Anxiety: Causes, types, symptoms, and treatment

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( — November 27, 2019) — Anxiety is a feeling that comes from restlessness, worrying, nervousness, fear, which would keep you at unease. It comes under mental health issues. Today it is affecting around 284 million people of every age group. It is sometimes normal to feel this way, but if it is getting out of hand, it can be very traumatizing for a person. 

A person can lose his self-esteem, confidence, and in the worst-case scenario, even will live. This disorder can make them live with fear, trauma, sadness, melancholy for the rest of their lives where they could be happy and blooming. It can drive you away from family and friends.

Anxiety has become part of our lives, but sometimes it is beyond control, which promotes self-harm, and this is why we need to look deep into the matter.


•    Being in very stressful situations can be the cause of your anxiety.

•    Stress in the workplace can be the reason.

•    Financial and marital problems.

•    Side effects of some medications.

•    Medical conditions can also be a reason.

•    Sometimes it can be genetic too.

There is no certain cause for anxiety disorder but can be anything that will make you feel low and will consume you altogether. 

Types of Anxiety: 

Anxiety is based on what are we feeling and how much. Because a little anxiety is common in today’s stressful life. It doesn’t mean you’re suffering from it. But there are some serious types of Anxiety.

•    Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) it is a type of chronic anxiety, comes from overthinking any situation even there is no provoking them.

•    Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) As the name suggests, it comes from obsession or unwanted thoughts. In this case, patients to follow the repetition of behaviour like counting, washing, etc.

•    Panic disorder it comes from fear and goes to physical pain like dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pain, etc

•    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD) this is one of the most causing anxiety in today’s generation. It comes from any events that terrifies you and will lead you to suicidal behaviour.  Like assaults, heartbreak, accident, etc.

•    Social anxiety disorder (SAD) Today, there are a lot of teens and adults are going through this. In this disorder, you will feel self-conscious while addressing the crowd. Like fear of eating, speaking, dancing, singing in front of people.

No matter what are you going through, never give up on suicidal thoughts. It might cause your loved ones a lot of sadness, and they might fall in the same pit where you are struggling right now. 


Life can be hard on some people, and you can feel this surge to hide somewhere and not to deal with, and this hiding away can be your ongoing mental illness or anxiety. There are some other general symptoms are:

•    High blood pressure

•    Panicking 

•    Sleep deprivation

•    Nausea

•    Dizziness

•    Shortness in breathing

•    Hand’s sweatiness, coldness, numbness, etc.

Those symptoms can come along with your anxiety disorder. If you have any of those symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. Anxiety is not a self-diagnosed health issue. You might need some psychiatrists to help to overcome your struggle. But treatments are there to get you through this. 


Anxiety is well treated, and if we come out and accept it for who we are, we can always find treatment to what we are going through. Some people become Anti social and end up hurting themselves over and over can not be the answer to this disorder. 

There are two ways to treat anxiety are psychotherapy and medications. In psychotherapy, there will be a person talking you out with the help of some tools and tactics. They will try to open you up emotionally and will try to provide aid if necessary.

The medication has helped people with a lot of health disorders. Many antidepressant drugs can help you feel relaxed and can work out anxiety disorder. 

Etizolam: This is a thiendiazepine, and its working is based on benzodiazepine, i.e., BZD drug class. In the structure of this anxiety treating drug, the benzene ring is replaced by thiophene ring. It is a Central nervous system depressant that works as a muscle relaxer due to the presence of anxiolytic, sedative hypotonic, etc. 

It treats short term insomnia and anxiety. 

Use and dosages: 

This drug is used to treat anxiety. This is also given if you have short term insomnia. It is prescribed 1 tablet daily without missing it. Do not overdose. Do not take with alcohol.

Side effects:

There are several major and minor side effects of this drug, like sleepiness, confusion, memory problem, muscles weakness, headache, uncontrolled shaking of arms and legs, vertigo, etc. 


Do not take it during pregnancy or if you are breastfeeding. Do not overdose, and if you see someone overdoses, contact your doctor immediately. Do not use this drug with elder people; it can be dangerous to certain ages. 

Etilaam:  A thieno diazepine derivative that works as an anti-anxiety drug. This is a benzodiazepine analog class drug — Etizest and Etizex also best pills for anxiety treatment and medication.

Anxiety can be your worst enemy for your social and mental health. But with a drug like this, you can see the effect in 30-40 min. 

Use and dosages:

This drug needs to taken by short term insomniac patients and anxiety patients. This helps improve their insomnia and show an effect on anxiety. 

Pill prescribed is 1 tablet per day. Do not consume another one under 24 hours. 

Side effects: 

Some major and minor side effects seen are sleepiness, dizziness, vertigo, headache, muscle weakness, confusion, uncontrolled shaking of legs and hands, memory problem, visual problem, stomach pain, etc.

Precaution: Do not overdose; take what you are prescribed by your doctors. Do not take less or more dosage. Try not to miss or skip the dose. Do not consume if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Those drugs are only prescribed pills and will help you overcome your disorder. You can buy those pills online from