Benefits Of An Extended Warranty For Motorcycle Owners

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( — November 11, 2020) —

If you are currently thinking about buying yourself a new motorcycle, then you’re probably pretty excited about that and so it is very likely that you are not even thinking about warranties, as you feel that the warranty that comes with the motorcycle should be sufficient, and so you don’t give it any other thought. However, many motorcycle owners wish that they had considered the extended warranty that was offered to them at the time of sale. At the time, they didn’t really see the value in it, but on reflection, they now realise that it is something that they should have paid a little bit more for. Even though you are buying a quality motorcycle from a quality brand, there is never really any way to know if you’re going to experience any unexpected mechanical issues.

If it is your plan to purchase a motorcycle from Wheels Honda, then you might need to give this extended warranty the attention that it deserves. There are many benefits for having it, and we will cover just a few of them here today.

  1. 1.      Modern motorcycles are complex – Motorcycles nowadays, are completely different machines when compared to what they were 15 to 20 years ago. Modern motorcycles are computerised and they have many safety features added as well. These added technological advancements make owning a motorcycle a little bit more complex and unfortunately, it leaves more opportunities for things to go wrong. Repair costs, especially for electrical equipment, are on the rise and so it makes absolute sense to try to protect yourself from any costly repairs. Your extended warranty can help with this. You understand the benefits of a profitable business model, so you should be able to understand the benefits of this as well.


  1. 2.      Ongoing protection – It is likely that your motorcycle will come with its own factory warranty that will probably last for 2 to 3 years, but what happens after this point. Motorcycle owners are keeping their bikes for a lot longer, and so they need additional protection in the event that they experience any mechanical breakdowns. Knowing that your motorcycle is covered for any mechanical issues the day after your factory warranty expires, provides motorcycle owners with the peace of mind that they need.



  1. 3.      It holds its value – In the event that you want to sell your motorcycle further down the road, it will be much easier to sell because prospective buyers will know that it came with the manufacturer’s warranty, then your extended warranty kicked in, and they can be sure that the bike has always been taken care of for the duration. Obviously, you also need to learn how to drive properly, and take care of your motorcycle. This should help you to get a much higher price for your motorcycle when you sell it, and so taking the extended warranty will help to pay for itself.

You should be able to look forward to many trouble-free years with your new motorcycle, but we should learn to expect the unexpected. Playing a little bit extra for your extended warranty is a very smart financial decision, and one that you definitely won’t regret.