Benefits of Buying Vintage Furniture

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( — June 17, 2021) — “Old is gold.” Though this may sound like a cliche phrase, it is nevertheless highly relevant and applicable to our lives even today. And this relevance is best seen in our love for anything vintage – from cars to furniture and everything in between. 

So, what is it that draws us to these vintage items? Are they worth the effort and money? To find answers to these questions, let’s look at some of the key benefits that these vintage items, especially furniture offer.

Special Design

One of the aspects that draw people towards vintage furniture is that it never goes out of style. The design is reminiscent of the people who lived in a particular place at a specific time, and the design reflects the cultural and social values that were prevalent then.

Since vintage furniture Portland represents a specific time in history, it also comes with a unique design that is hard to replicate in today’s modern world simply because we no longer think the way they did, or even have a lifestyle that prevailed then. 

For example, can you think of how people would have spent time without a television, about 100 years ago? Well, they must have had their ways of entertainment and those were imbibed in the dresses they wore and the furniture they owned. Extrapolating it to today’s life is difficult because most of us don’t know what it is to live without the Internet, leave alone the television.

This is why the special designs of vintage furniture are charming and hard to replicate, thereby making it a great addition to your house. 

Excellent Quality

If a piece of furniture has survived all through these years, there’s no doubt of its quality. More importantly, you can expect it to last for the next 30-40 years, as the case may be, thereby making it a good investment for you.

The value is all the more enhanced when there’s fine quality craftsmanship in it and again, that’s hard to replicate as well because finding such talent may not be easy today.


These pieces of vintage furniture were probably made at a time when there were no advanced machines for mass cutting and manufacturing. So, each of these was made by hand, and this means, they are a 

unique piece by themselves. Even if two pieces of furniture were made by the same person, they won’t be identical and this uniqueness is the biggest draw of these antique furniture. 

Good Return on Investment

Antique furniture always gives a good Return on Investment (ROI), provided you buy from reputed and reliable stores. 

Depending on the kind of furniture you buy, you may be able to get them at good rates that are possibly cheaper than buying a new piece of furniture. If you do, there’s a straight cost advantage. In the event where you pay a bit extra for the furniture because of its antiquity, it’s still going to add more depth to your decor, and in the long run, its quality will give you a good ROI.

Either way, you stand to gain.

Thus, these are some of the benefits that come with buying vintage furniture.