Decoding SEO Packages and Deciding Which is Right for You

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( — November 5, 2020) — As you work to find the right SEO team to meet your needs, you’re likely to come across lots of different SEO packages, but what do you even begin to choose? How do you know what SEO package to select when you’re just getting started in the world of optimization? This quick guide can help you make the right decisions.

What Kinds of Packages Are Out There?

No matter who serves as your SEO agency, UK experts will tell you that there are two kinds of SEO packages on the market: standard packages and customised options. Standard packages typically only cover the most obvious SEO services and activities. That can work really well if your business is new to SEO or you have incredibly typical needs. While they can vary from company to company, most will give you a fairly typical set of services. A technical analysis of your website is almost always included, as is a keyword analysis, a content development plan, and a number of on-site optimisations like title tag optimisation, content optimisation, and image optimisation. No matter exactly what’s included from your SEO agency, UK experts will tell you to make certain that clear, regular reporting is part of the package.

Standard packages can be helpful if that’s all you need. The problem, though, is that not all of the services included in the package might be required by your company. Why pay for a service that your business may never need? Customised packages mean you’re getting something that was designed specifically for your company. If a technical analysis of your site uncovers bigger problems, like the need for new content, better load times, or more linking than a standard package offers, you may need to go for a customised approach. An SEO agency in the UK may even be able to offer you some add-ons like social media optimisation or even press releases to help boost your profile.

Selecting the Right Package To Meet Your Needs

How do you even begin to pick a plan? It starts by defining your goals. Think about what you want to achieve with your site in the next three months. What about the next six months? Over the course of the next year? Remember that SEO is not a race. Instead, it’s a long-term commitment to making the changes your site needs to remain visible. Once you’ve understood what you’re looking to gain from the coming months, look into your current rates of traffic and conversion as compared to others in your industry. If you’re not sure you have the tools to do this, you may talk to your SEO company about doing some auditing before you develop a forward-thinking plan about how to approach your SEO needs. After all, it can be tough to think about goals when you don’t even know where you’re at. Once you come up with a few goals – improving organic traffic, improving lead quality, etc – you’re ready to select a package that can meet all of those goals.

Moving Forward

After you’ve had a glance at the standard packages, asked questions about the customisation options, and defined your goals, you’re left to try to decide what’s right for your company. Consider this: statistics show that the first five organic results account for more than 67.6% of all the clicks after a query. You want to be within that range. SEO, in any form, is the only thing that’s going to help you get there.

The importance of SEO simply cannot be understated. It offers you significant data that you can’t get in any other form. You’ll learn more about your potential customers than you ever thought possible. Just as important, though, is that you’re going to see your conversion rate and your revenue increase. Instead of simply throwing money away at various advertising tactics, working with a good optimisation plan means you know exactly where that money is going and how it’s helping your company. More than that, though, SEO can help you make the informed business decisions necessary to move your company forward, so whether you go with a standard plan or something a bit more customised, you’re going to begin to see the results your company really needs.