(Newswire.net — June 19, 2017) — Wildlife photography is one of the most popular genres of photography, favored by enthusiasts and professionals alike. Going on adventures and capturing the beauty of birds and other wildlife are always great ways to spend some time away from the hustle and bustle of city life.
If you want to take your wildlife photography to the next level and capture breathtaking shots on your next trip, then you have come to the right page. In this article, we are going to talk about the best wildlife photography tips to keep in mind.
Research Is Everything
If you just love to have an adventure and you enjoy taking pictures of animals, simply going on a trip and hoping for the best is fine. Most of the time, you can still bring home great photographs from spontaneous trips, especially when the places you visit are filled with spots to explore.
For the best wildlife photography experience, however, research is a must. Ask any professional photographer and they will tell you that 80% of capturing great wildlife photos is done off the field. Study the animals that are most likely to be present at the park or spot you want to visit. Learn about their habits, their movement patterns, and their preferred habitat.
You also need to learn about the place itself. Things like the weather will greatly influence not just your experience photographic wildlife on the spot but also the quality of pictures you can capture along the way.
Learn to Digiscope
You can’t always take wildlife pictures up close. In fact, most wildlife photographers use long telephoto lenses to capture their subjects. While DSLRs and digital camera lenses are getting more affordable, lenses with a reach of more than 400mm are still big and expensive. This is where digiscoping comes in handy.
You can use a scope designed for astrophotography or nature photography to take amazing wildlife photos. These scopes have incredible reach and are more compact to carry. Even the affordable scopes are now very good thanks to modern lenses and a wide array of new technologies.
All you need for digiscoping is the right adapter for the scope. Top-notch adapters from companies like Phone Skope will connect your device – whether it is an iPhone, a compact digital camera, or a DSLR – with the scope itself, effectively turning it into a super-telephoto lens. You’ll be amazed by the things you can do with digiscoping.
Be Patient
The last and probably the best tip you need to remember is to be patient. Patience is invaluable in the world of wildlife photography. Don’t hesitate to wait for the right moment to get the perfect shot. Professionals are known to wait for hours to get that perfect photo.
Animals tend to follow a pattern too, which means staying patient will help you uncover these patterns faster. When observing birds, you will notice that birds usually visit the same spot or fly in a similar pattern several times while they are in the area. It is through patience that you will be able to recognize these patterns and capture the dream shots you have always wanted.