Does It Make a Difference If My Domain Name Isn’t the Same as My Business Name?

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( — May 17, 2021) —

A domain name is an address that people type into the browser search bar to access a website. Every website has a unique domain name that belongs exclusively to them.

It’s common to see that the domain name is the same as the business’s brand name. This makes it easier to remember and recognize. 

In fact, using a completely different domain name from the business name may even confuse the visitors. 

So to answer the question of whether the domain name should be the same as the business name – yes, it should. And this article will explain why. 

Your Domain Name Is Your Business Name

When visiting a website, a domain name is the first thing that the audience sees and remembers. It will be what they identify your business by, becoming a part of your branding. 

A domain name that’s the same as the business name can help the customers memorize it easier. People tend to do business with the company they remember and recognize with ease. 

Aside from that, using a domain name unrelated to the business may confuse the customers. Even if it pops up in the search engine results, the domain name may distract them and make them think it leads to a different website.

How to Secure Your Domain Name

Now that you have learned the importance of having a domain name that correlates with the business, you may wonder how to go about getting it. 

Below, I will explain several handy tips and tricks that can help choose the perfect domain name. Let’s get started. 

1. Check the Domain Availability

First, start with creating a list of domain name ideas that match your business. I suggest sticking with the .com TLD, as it is the most widely used and memorable TLD on the internet. 

Then, list out the best domain name options and run them through a domain name checker to check their availability. If the desired name is available, you can purchase and register right away from the page. 

If your preferred domain names aren’t available, consider the suggested alternatives, but make sure it still represents the business. If there’s nothing you like, you can try different TLDs, like .net or .org

2. Check the Domain Owner

If your preferred domain name is not available as it already belongs to someone else, there are several things you can still do.

Sometimes, people purchase domain names just to resell to interested buyers. In that case, you can contact the registrant and ask them for a price.

However, do note that pre-owned or parked domain names may have higher prices depending on the demand. Ensure that the domain name is a worthy investment as sometimes a budget-friendly alternative can work just as well. 

3. Include Keywords in Your Domain Name

Keywords are essential to help websites rank better on search engines. You can insert it anywhere to maximize SEO efforts, including the domain name. Having a domain name with a proper keyword also makes it more memorable for the audience. 

I recommend doing keyword research and making a list of relevant keywords to your niche. That way, you will know what words to use in the domain name and be more creative with the options. 

4. Renew Your Domain Registration

Once you have registered a domain name that best suits your business, take note of the renewal date and make sure to take care of renewal fees on time. This is important, as late domain renewal may result in late fees or even the domain being returned to the public registry.  

The steps to renew a domain name may differ depending on the registrar. Most registrars have automatic renewals, where they will charge a fee automatically at the end of the period. 

Otherwise, you can visit the registrar account and check the expiring/expired section. Add the domain listed in it to the cart, and the transaction will automatically be considered a renewal. All you need to do is confirm the order, finish payment, and you’re set. 


All in all, a domain name should be similar to your business name. You want it to give a good impression and be memorable to the visitors, and naming it something completely different from your business can simply confuse the potential customers. 

To summarize, you should:

  • Make a list of potential domain names.

  • Check their availability.

  • If the domain name that suits your business is available, purchase it right away.

  • If the domain name is not available, contact the current owner to negotiate a price.

All that’s left to do now is sit down with a cup of coffee and start brainstorming potential domain names for your business. Good luck!