Feel the Equanimity: A Roadmap to Become a Better Version of Yourself

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(Newswire.net — January 12, 2022) –Equanimity is that state of mind where many problems surround you, but you prefer to stay calm and composed throughout that phase. You become so unbothered and unaffected by the uncertainty you can’t avoid. You don’t become angry or upset so frequently over the situations you face in your day-to-day life. You build a strong non-permeable sheath around yourself that whatever happens, nothing can snatch out the peace out of your life. The mantra on which you stick out thoroughly is ‘problems will arise if you are alive and you have that potential to resonate with them and settle down all those with your patience.’  

If you want to achieve equanimity in your life, you must begin your journey with vipassana meditation

Firstly find out the problem on which you want to work upon. Then consistency is the key to feeling the desired change with your mind and body. 

What makes you angry?

We usually see that some people get angry so easily over small things that they can easily avoid. We people beautifully wrapped our shortcomings with flowery words by saying we are short-tempered. Is this a disease that is incurable? or has a cure? But we are not looking for those that can heal this issue from the depth. Don’t break things, don’t throw stuff here and there when you are angry, but you should try to throw out this evil from your mind, making you look like a person you would not like to see as a viewer. 

Single Pointed Focus 

Practice the single-pointed focus technique if your goal is to attain the vipassana experience in your life. This practice helps you veer away from those thoughts, feelings, and moments when you feel shady, gloomy, and anxious. The most recommended object you need to focus on by going through this practice is breath. Try to concentrate on your inhaling or exhaling; the main reason behind considering breath as a focus object is very clear and simple. Many experienced practitioners who have achieved numerous stages of vipassana and choose those place switches are peaceful. There is no source of sound that can distract you from your thought process, which you want to figure out. And at those places, it is impossible to bring some objects and focus on them. Then they prefer something which moves freely in the environment along with you.

How to do vipassana meditation by implementing experts guidance 

  • Find an appropriate and calm place  
  • Take care of your body posture
  • Focus on a single point  
  • Release a pressure 
  • Support your mind 

Vipassana meditation is beneficial if you enact all the above steps religiously. Equanimity is just one of the stages that go through this process. Many gems are hindered behind these practices. Many experts have experienced many productive changes in their lives while performing this ritual daily. Every individual has a different target that they want to eliminate through this therapy. To relive the mind, build your concentration power stronger, gain future insight, and lots more, all of these you can achieve by vipassana. You have discovered many things you can see in the world outside, but there are many deep seas inside your body that are left undiscovered.