(Newswire.net — October 29, 2020) — A move overseas can be good for your family. It can give you new opportunities and allow your children to experience a whole new culture and way of life. One thing that expats often worry about is their children’s education. But moving overseas doesn’t have to mean they won’t get the same level of education as you’d get in your home country. Here’s how you can find the right school for your child.
Look at what’s Available Locally
When you move overseas, there are usually two options: send your children to the local school or send them to an international school.
If you’re moving to a popular expat location, then you usually have a wider choice of schools that offer lessons in English. Most parents will choose an international school in Bangkok, as this means their children can make friends from around the world, follow roughly the same curriculum that they would at home, and follow similar subjects and schedules. These schools are often highly sought after, as they allow children some stability during a move.
In areas where there aren’t any international schools, you can look at local options. However, there can be barriers that can make your child’s transition more difficult. If you’re moving to a non-English speaking country, then obviously this is going to be an issue, although it can be a good way for your child to quickly learn the local language. Different countries also have differing quality levels in their schools.
Also, consider what your child can cope with. Some kids are great at assimilating into a new culture, but most of them need stability and something familiar in their lives.
Consider Future Plans
You should also think about your future plans as an expat:
· Are you planning a permanent move?
· If the move is temporary – will you go back home or onto another country?
· When are your children’s major exams? Will this coincide with your move?
If you’re planning to move to a new country permanently, and want your child to be totally immersed in the local culture, then a local school is the way to go. But, if you aren’t sure of your plans, or are planning a temporary stay before moving to another country, an international school offers better continuity of education.
It’s also important to consider what stage your child is at in their education. If they’re very young, they may get used to a local school faster. If they are already at the stage of studying for GCSEs or an IB, then it’s better to keep them in an international school that will offer the same curriculum.
Choosing your child’s school is one of the toughest things about moving into the expat life. It’s important to do your research and see what’s available locally, so you can pick the right school for them. You can find lots of reviews and information online about international schools, and if you visit some local expat social media groups, you’ll get advice and information on picking the right school.