(Newswire.net — February 25, 2021) — QA Reporting is a stage of development when the test outputs are communicated to those involved in the project. Based on this, corrective actions are made, and the decision on whether the product quality is acceptable for release is taken. QA reports also have a tangible effect on the distribution of the company’s financial resources. After considering the received data, executives either increase investments into the project or cut financing. Therefore, an informative and precise statement is worth its weight in gold for product development to succeed.
So what are the indispensable components of a top-level QA report? And what attributes make it valuable to the manager?
First of all, make your report as simple as possible. Don’t use complicated vocabulary where possible and avoid including too many acronyms. Add tables or diagrams to your document and insert screenshots of the blockers revealed. This will help you to systemize the notes, and the CEO will be able to notice the most relevant data at first glance. It is also a good practice to use the same report template so that your supervisor immediately knows where in the document to look for the information they need.
Secondly, pay attention to the data correctness. Review every report before submitting to avoid grammar mistakes and factual errors. Draw your manager’s utmost attention to the deviations that are critical instead of mitigating them to preserve your reputation. The sooner the flaws are revealed, the more likely they will be removed with no further consequences.
Thirdly, always keep in mind whom you are addressing your report to. The area of the QA manager’s interest differs from that of the project client, doesn’t it? And the development team’s main issues of concern are not the same as those of customer service. In view of this, modify your statement depending on its recipient.
Fourthly, include all essential metrics in the report. They are:
- the general data on the tests, namely their types and entry data;
- the objectives and scope of testing;
- the particulars regarding the devices and hardware used for the testing;
- uncovered errors, the possible ways of their elimination, and the actions to be taken;
- the conclusion on the product quality and whether it matches with the outlined exit criteria.
If you are reporting to the company’s executive, you may include the metrics that directly influence revenue. These refer to customer profitability when possible risks influence relationships with customers. You may also mention the overall number and complexity of the tasks to bring the QA department’s performance into view.
Lastly, when drawing up your statement, take into consideration the business aspect of each matter. You may flood your statement with numerous figures and undeniable statistical data. However, without some dynamics and a clear call to action, your document will remain abstract to the company’s decision-makers. So don’t hesitate to guide them by giving an assessment of the information provided and proposing particular steps.
There are more helpful tips that can give the QA report considerable practical importance. Learn more about how to get the most out of your QA processes on the Andersen QA Community webpage.
We carried out the research and found out that even the order of data in your document makes a difference. The report writer analyzes the test results and has a role in determining their strategic value for the entire project. After all, it’s the report writer who calls the audience’s attention to the urgent issues that endanger the product quality, customers’ trust, and the expected profits.