General Liability Insurance vs. Professional

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( — December 22, 2022) — Our massage therapy training, publicity, supplies, and education are usually your focus as a business owner. Therefore, massage insurance is usually at the end of the list for most massage therapists. Any workspace can quickly become an uncontrolled environment with many unknown variables around. Therefore, it’s crucial to have insurance that covers unexpected injuries. 

The most common insurance coverage types are general and professional liability insurance. However, choosing one beneficial for your massage therapy business can be confusing. Luckily, we’ve broken it down below to improve your understanding.

What Is Massage Insurance?

Before determining the right coverage for you, understanding massage therapy insurance is crucial. It is a coverage that protects you and your business from various liability claims. These claims could include property damage, bodily injuries, allergic reactions, etc. You should have general or professional liability coverage to have a strong base. To help you decide, we’ll be breaking down both coverages below. 

General Liability Insurance

This massage therapy insurance policy is also known as business liability insurance. It is a coverage that covers unexpected accidents that occur while you’re running your normal business operations. In addition, general liability insurance protects your business from claims like physical injury, property damage, and lawsuit costs. 

An example is when a client trips over the diffuser cord and breaks an ankle. In such a situation, your general liability insurance provides coverage and prevents the financial strain of compensating the client from your business. 

Professional Liability Insurance

This massage insurance coverage is also known as errors and omissions insurance. It is designed to cover negligence claims. If a client chooses to sue you for failure to utilize a reasonable degree of care under specific circumstances, you will need to defend yourself in court. Professional liability insurance covers compensation for the client if found at fault in court.

An example is when a client sues you for overheating the hot stones during their massage session, resulting in severe burns all over their body. Depending on the factors surrounding the claim, professional liability insurance might cover the legal defense cost while ensuring financial peace of mind.

Final Thoughts

Getting a massage insurance policy is essential, and getting one of these two coverages and other minor options is best. The best course of action is to add both policies to your coverage to ensure broad coverage for your business operations. Remember you’ve spent resources and time building your massage therapy business, and choosing a coverage ensures you don’t lose it all because of a claim.