(Newswire.net — July 21, 2021) — You can’t run your business or your personal life without the use of technology. Unless you’re Amish, there is no reason you would even try. Even if you wanted to, it is almost impossible to do. It is a little like trying to conduct business by only using gold as currency. That ship has sailed. Fiat currency is how things get done. You can’t roll back the clock to the time when a computer took up an entire room and had only a fraction of the power of a modern calculator. For better or worse, you are living in the age of tech.
That said, it is perfectly understandable that you might want to toss out your computer and introduce your smartphone to one of those industrial blenders. When technology goes critically wrong at the worst possible time, it can lead to stress and anxiety. At the moment, there is no technology that can fix that. The good news is that relieving anxiety is one of the Mello Drop CBD benefits that can help you get through a rough patch. It has been used to great effect by sufferers the world over. But if you have persistent anxiety, see your doctor. If you have persistent tech issues that are at the root of that anxiety, read on:
Viruses and Malware
It affects Windows PCs more than Macs. But every platform has some exposure to viruses and malware. That new PC you just got on sale for $499 is running in a sluggish manner 30 minutes after taking it out of the box. According to the specs sheet, it should be running much better. Part of the problem is you bought a computer for under $500. At that price, manufacturers cut corners. They also include a lot of bloatware some vendors paid them to put on all their budget systems. In other words, they sold that computer to a software company before they sold it to you. That computer is likely configured to share data with companies you never heard of.
While this is technically not a virus, it is one of the things that enables viruses to hit you so fast. The best defense is to only purchase from reliable companies. And even then, avoid the budget PC if possible. If there is an option for a Windows Experience PC that comes with less bloatware, get it. From there, your first download should probably be some type of malware protection software. The malware is not your fault. But it is your responsibility.
Social Media Vandalism
Another way hackers will use your tech against you is to take over your social media accounts. From that point, they can gain access to all of your contacts since all of the social media companies insist you give them access to your contacts so they can make it easy for you to find and communicate with friends. Unfortunately, when it is easy for them, it is easy for hackers.
Even if you are not a high-profile target, they can get your information by hacking the social media site. That is what happened to Gettr. 90K users had their personal information stolen, to be used against them at a later time. If you are lucky, they will just vandalize your account by posting naughty messages in your name. There are far worse things they can do. To fight this, you have to resist the temptation to sign up for every social site that happens along. Next, do not connect your contacts. If that is a requirement, keep moving. Finally, use a password manager. Your smartphone might already have one built-in. When available, also use two-factor authentication.
The easiest way to break into a secure account is to have the owner of that account give you access to it. Hackers do this by posing as someone you trust such as your bank. All they have to do is get you to log in from the official-looking link they helpfully provide, and all your money belongs to them. The best advice is to never, ever click on a link from an email or text. If you think your bank, or Apple, or Santa Claus has contacted you over some important business, navigate to the site directly in your browser. This will stop most phishing efforts.
Your technology should be bringing you peace instead of anxiety. You can protect against most malware, social media vandalism, and phishing attacks by purchasing quality hardware with no bloatware, using two-factor on all your accounts, and never clicking on the email and text message links to enter a password.