(Newswire.net — January 18, 2015) — First off, lets start with a few facts on how America is doing with obesity and how you are not at this alone. More than two-thirds of U.S. adults are overweight or obese as of 2014. Research has also shown that obese men and women are only becoming more obese in the past decade. 65.8% of all females are either overweight or obese while 71.3% of all males are overweight or obese. Together that means 68.5% of America is either obese or overweight. Even worse a quarter of 2-5 year old children and a third of school-age children are either overweight or obese. If you exclude being overweight 16.9% of all children between the ages of 2 and 19 are obese. The percentage increases as the children get older in which 2-5 year olds are at 8.4% and 12-19 year olds are at 20.5%.
Now, let’s start with mentioning that this article is based on weight loss for women. Sorry men, but your hormones don’t actively try to stop you from losing weight like a woman’s does. Now for the basics. Weight loss and achieving that perfect figure is best achieved by proper diet and exercise. That’s not so easy though and is especially tough for women because of hormones. For one, the extra belly fat can be caused by high estrogen and/or low testosterone. Yes, women do need a certain amount of testosterone just as men need a certain amount of estrogen. Secondly, low DHEA, high insulin, and high cortisol can all cause excess fat that will be nearly impossible to burn off without a proper balance. These specific hormone imbalances can be helped by supplements but the best way to achieve balance is through exercise, diet, and sleep. While hormone balance may be hard work you are able to take control. Control of Leptin is another story all together.
Leptin is a hormone, found in both men and women, made by fat cells which regulates the amount of fat stored in the body. The difference between men and women is the way Leptin reacts to dieting. Leptin significantly drops when women start to diet and as a result is one of the leading causes why women have such a hard time losing weight. This is a primal body reaction in order to keep a strong child bearing status. Fat, while you may not like the way it looks, pays a large factor when child bearing. Fat is food for you child when you don’t have enough to eat. Your body does not realize that we are living in a modern era where you most likely have access to food whenever needed. Sweaters and warm cozy blankets help keep us warm but your body only thinks that fat will be used to keep your body warm and therefore your baby warm. The main thing lesson here is that it is not your fault that its hard to lose weight but your body is actively fighting against you. There is, however, a way to manage your Leptin levels and it is not with some magic pill.
It is called The Venus Factor, and is a renowned weight loss guide created by John Barban. John Barban, being one of those guys that has a million qualifications such as being an expert in Physiology, Biology and Nutrition, and a Human Performance teacher at the University of Florida, found the effects of Leptin in women’s health and has since helped countless women achieve their weight loss goals. The best part about The Venus Factor is that it is not based around any magic pills, exercises created by some guru, or a rigorous diet plan. On the contrary, you actually get more cheat days in order to balance out Leptin. Now, the entire diet is not gonna be written in this article but there is a link below in which you can learn more and see the results found in other women.
The Venus Factor: www.supportingwomenshealth.com