How the Lines Are Blurring Between SEO and Social Media

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( — March 15, 2017) — Ten years ago if you were to ask any SEO specialist how to rank your website, they would have told you that keyword placement was the most vital aspect. Five years ago it was all about backlinks; however, nowadays you need to think about much more than the right search phrase and linking sites. While these techniques are still very important, Google is constantly striving to find new ways to better their search results, and as a result, are placing increasing precedence on social media.

In today’s digital age no marketing campaign would be complete without a social media presence. Social networks not only allow you to communicate with leads and clients instantly, but can also boost your website rankings.

Marketing Value

Over 70% of businesses now have their own online community manager; a job which revolves around managing social media activity by posting updates and responding to queries. Essentially, the purpose of an online community manager is to increase the overall ROI of a business through digital communication systems.

Community managers are invaluable. Nowadays if somebody has a query, it’s not a website that they’ll check first; it’s the company’s Facebook or Twitter page. Why? Because social media offers convenience. Everybody is familiar with Facebook and Twitter, and most of us are connected 24/7 via smart phones. Finding a business and sending them a message is, therefore, quick and simple. Websites on the other hand are often more unfamiliar.

Retaining an active social media presence is directly related to SEO. Search engines will reward sites that have active accounts connected to them, especially if they receive a lot of activity from other users.

Emerging Social Media Trends

Facebook and Twitter aren’t the only social media platforms used for SEO and marketing. While only a handful of the many hundreds of social networks offer any real worth, it’s always important to keep your eye on upcoming trends – the search engines certainly do! Google Plus, Instagram and Linkedin are currently rising in popularity.  

For many years Instagram has been the hidden gem. This photo-sharing social media platform has been steadily rising in popularity each year. Even if you don’t use Instagram to acquire new business, having a profile can do wonders for your corporate identity by branding all of your images with a unique style. In addition, the “explore” section can be a great place to find new organic leads when you buy Instagram views. This is because their keyword ranking criteria takes activity into consideration.

While search engine optimization has the largest impact on direct traffic, it is the social media aspect that converts that traffic into profits. Therefore, no decent online marketing plan would be complete without both.