(Newswire.net — February 4, 2023) — Are you prepared for emergencies?
Each year, more than 20 million people experience authorized medical incidents and end up in hospitals or even on their deathbeds. Doctors and nurses deliver amazing amounts of care to save these people’s lives, but sometimes it’s too late when they arrive on the scene.
That’s why knowing CPR could be a huge lifesaver. Have you ever wondered how to do CPR on adults? Be sure to keep reading for all the information on learning cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Assess a Person’s Unresponsiveness
Assessing a person’s unresponsiveness is the first step when providing CPR to an adult. To do this, tap the person on the shoulder and shout, “Are you OK?” If the person does not respond, move on to check their breathing. Place your ear near their mouth and look to see if their chest is rising and falling. If not, begin CPR.
Administer Chest Compressions
Identify the center of the person’s chest near the sternum and place the heel of one hand two inches above this position. Place your other hand on top of the first hand. Then, press down hard and fast at the rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute until help arrives.
Keep your arms straight, allowing your body weight to help during chest compressions. The downward motion should compress the sternum one and a half to two inches and should result in the chest completely rising back.
Giving Rescue Breaths
Pinch the nostrils of the patient together and form a seal around the patient’s mouth with yours. Blow into the patient’s mouth two breaths, each lasting one second, and watch to make sure the chest rises with each breath.
Then, repeat the cycle of 30 chest compressions and two breaths. If the patient has a pulse but is not breathing normally, give one breath every five to six seconds, then check the pulse every two minutes.
Identifying Signs of Successful CPR
Signs of a successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation can include sustained respiration in the patient, a return of a pulse or a palpable carotid pulse, or both.
Other signs of successful CPR may be when the patient’s chest rises and falls with adequate depth and rate, the patient can move or make noises on their own, or in some cases of cardiac arrest, defibrillation may be necessary and successful.
If the patient’s heart is still in a normal rhythm, then the patient may experience improved colored skin, as well as improved or normalized vital signs.
Practice Regularly to Refresh Your CPR Skills
Developing the skills necessary to administer CPR in an emergency is key to quickly and effectively providing medical assistance. Therefore, it is important to remain up-to-date on recent CPR tips and methods to ensure that you are prepared in the case of an emergency. Learning CPR is something to make sure to repeat at least every year to keep the skills fresh.
Discounts are often available for those undertaking CPR recertification. Taking advantage of those offers can ensure that you have the knowledge and confidence necessary to provide life-saving assistance. To find out more about discounts on first aid training, learn more here.
Start Saving a Life by Knowing How to Do CPR on Adults
CPR is a simple yet powerful skill that can save someone’s life. With the help of this article, you should now have a good understanding of how to do CPR on adults. Remember, CPR is only successful if it is started quickly. Save lives; start CPR today.
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