(Newswire.net — June 23, 2022) — You can evaluate the site objectively. To do this, conduct analytics of site traffic and user behavior. Metrics will show who comes to the resource and how they interact with the pages. If it is convenient for users to navigate the site and they leave applications, the site is good – it pleases customers and brings money to the business. If users flee from the home page, profits flee with them.
Analysis of requests in the search field of the site
Analyze user requests. Simplify access to the most frequently requested sections. If you sell sneakers and half of the search for “Nike sneakers”, add a special section for “Nike”. You will save customers time and make their experience more fluent.
Site traffic
You can evaluate website traffic online using special analytics services and a simple session recording tool. Services calculate metrics and show which elements of the site and advertising need to be changed, and which ones should be left as is.
Visits – the number of visits to the site by all users. They help to evaluate the traffic of site traffic. Depending on the service, the logic of counting visits may vary. If you visit a site, close it, and re-enter five minutes later, this may count as two visits or one.
Important. Visits are not the main metric of advertising effectiveness. An ad can result in 100 site visits and no sales. To correctly set up advertising, track the ROI metric.
Bounce rate
The bounce rate is the percentage of visits during which the user immediately left the site, out of the total number of visits.
A bounce is always a single page visit. Some systems have an additional condition: the user must not click anywhere for the visit to be counted as a bounce. Different analytics systems have different time limits. A visit to one page can be considered a bounce:
- Shorter than 15 seconds (longer is not a bounce);
- Shorter than 20 seconds (longer is not a bounce);
- Infinitely long.
If fifty people out of a hundred opened one page of the site and immediately closed it, the bounce rate would be 50%.
Popular and unpopular website pages
Popular pages are the pages that users visit most often. Unpopular pages are pages that are visited the least often.
If one of your products is well advertised, the page with it will be popular. But the pages “Jobs” and “Partners” are usually unpopular – they are designed for a narrow target audience.
Analyze the site for traffic with heat map website tracking services and find popular and unpopular pages. Start optimizing your site with the most popular ones. It would be silly to design a “Company History” page (which no one needs) and leave the product catalog out of sight.
Entry pages
The entry page is the first page within the visit chain.
From the entry page, the user begins his acquaintance with the site. This isn’t always the home page – if your ad is for a specific product, the entry page will be that product’s card.
Analyze site traffic online and find out the most popular entry pages. Website optimization should start with these pages. The first impression of users on the resource as a whole depends on them.
Make changes and conduct A/B testing – a study in which traffic is directed to different variations of the page. After these pages are compared according to the results: they leave the one that gave more conversions to the application and sales.
Exit Pages
The exit page is the last page within the visit chain.
Having become acquainted with this page, the user leaves the site. Often this happens if an important page gives an error – the client gets upset and leaves the resource. Or perhaps the user was looking for information and did not find it: for example, on the “Delivery” page, only delivery times to different regions are indicated, but there are no prices.
Analyze the site by traffic. Go to the most popular exit pages for yourself and find out why they repel. Fix page errors and lose fewer customers.
After launching your resource, pay attention to user behavior and site traffic. The analytics will show which elements need to be changed and which should be left as is.
Remember: it is impossible to estimate the effectiveness of the site “by eyeballing”. Use the metrics in this article to identify issues and fix them.