How to Handle a Divorce From Start to Finish

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( — February 16, 2017) — Divorce is one of the risk factors of marriage. Although nobody really wants to go through one, it still happens, anyway. In fact, the rate at which divorce occurs around the world is quite alarming.

As a divorcee, you’d surely get your fair share of the depression, fear, loneliness, and anger that comes with separating with the person you once lived with. But you certainly have to move on with your life, in spite of the entire trauma.

Depending on how well you can handle the situation, you can actually pick yourself up and start living a normal life again. But if you allow the situation to get the best of you, you might actually get broken.

In this little piece, you’d learn how you can successfully handle your divorce from start to finish.

Consult a lawyer

This is the first thing you should do once you start contemplating a divorce. Many people think that you only need a lawyer to resolve issues such as child custody and support, as well as property sharing.

While these are important aspects any court could typically decide on in a divorce, there are other complex issues that only a qualified attorney can handle.

According to Fernandez & Karney, the other germane issues within this scope include contested divorce, uncontested divorce, paternity, domestic violence, and divorce between same-sex partners. Therefore, consulting a divorce lawyer does not only guarantee legal protection, it also ensures that the whole issue is properly documented.

Get yourself together

It might be difficult, but this is definitely not a period to start fighting or blaming yourself or your estranged spouse. It’s a time for soul searching and trying to fix the odds. Therefore, you should be calm and do not be hasty in making any decision. Being divorced isn’t the end of the world, you know.

Just focus on making yourself a better person and work more on your physical and mental wellbeing. If you feel that you can’t be strong by yourself, then you should stay with a friend you can trust until you’re able to face the world boldly again.

See a marriage counsellor

Talking to someone that you trust or someone who has gone through a divorce can really help you get over your divorce trauma. But it’s not as important as seeing a marriage counsellor.

A marriage counsellor provides a kind of therapy that allows you to overcome any of your marriage challenges. And this does not preclude divorce.

A counsellor is there to help you find an emotional balance. They also help you to know if you still stand a chance of coming back with your ex or not. However, you need to put in a lot of effort since the wounds of a broken relationship can take a long time to heal.


Going through a divorce doesn’t make you a bad person. Some marriages won’t just work. So instead of creating more issues for yourself, knowing that you really don’t have any control over the situation, you should just move ahead. The marriage of your dream might just happen out of the blue; who knows!