(Newswire.net — November 8, 2019) — As any organisation in the UK will know, health and safety training is a legal obligation that all employers must fulfil. However, it is one that is rarely at the top of management’s list despite its mandatory nature, and even when it is, there isn’t much thought given to the format training is delivered in. This is because managers often assume that employees are aware of their own responsibilities, and entrust them to take charge of their own learning and training.
If you are truly invested in improving health and safety in your organisation that you need a solution that will be engaging, convenient, and facilitate long-term behaviour change among your workforce. Not only will this help you fulfil your statutory duty to your employees but it can have a positive impact on their attitude towards workplace training in general.
The best way to do so? Through health and safety eLearning. There are several reasons why delivering health and safety training through eLearning courses can help you improve overall health and safety in your workplace.
Offers Training in a Convenient Format for Employees
The reality is that while you, as an employer, have a statutory obligation to provide employees with training, they are often less than eager to take time out of their busy workday to receive said training. eLearning tackles this issue because employees can progress through the course at their own pace, completing it at a convenient time and place. This does away with the common issues of employees either being out of the office, on annual leave during a training day or having too big of a workload to take a whole day out of their schedule.
By offering health and safety training through such a flexible format, you can make sure that all of your employees complete the necessary courses and easily monitor their progress while they do so.
Employee Progress Can Be Monitored, Ensuring that Training is Completed
Training days, no matter how useful they are, can often be lacking when it comes to learning progress and measurement. Health and safety training using an eLearning platform, on the other hand, offers you easily trackable metrics when it comes to the learning progress of your employees as well as their scores (if applicable). Some eLearning providers even offer automatic alerts so that you can always keep an eye on any individuals who have not yet started or completed their training. You can also use an eLearning platform to ensure that employees remain compliant, as the system will alert you when they are due for retraining.
Ensure Uniformity in Training for Large Groups
By using eLearning as your health and safety method, you can have much more control over exactly what your employees are trained on and brings an unmatched uniformity across the curriculum, strategy, content, and deliver regardless of when and where your employees complete the course, guaranteed that everyone is trained to the same standard. In addition to this uniformity in health and safety training, eLearning also allows you to deploy courses to your entire workforce, in a way that you simply would not be able to with training days which have a limited capacity.
Uniformity in training and the ability to deploy this to all employees simultaneously is particularly important for large organisations who have multiple sides, and operate in different timezones.
Deliver Training in a More Engaging Format
When it comes to workplace health and safety training, one of the biggest issues is educating and training employees in a way that will be engaging, which will increase the likelihood of them incorporating the concepts they have learned into their work habits.