(Newswire.net — June 7, 2019) — Landing a job isn’t easy, especially in a world that’s so challenging and competitive. You might be lucky enough to get one after just a couple of weeks of searching, but it could also take months. There are, however, several things you can do to increase your chances of getting a job. Here are seven tips you can use to boost your job search.
Sort Out Your CV and Write a Cover Letter
You use your CV to get noticed so it’s not something you can rush. If you get it wrong, your application is going to end up in the bin. A carefully crafted CV that’s well written and nicely formatted is going to catch an employer’s eye for all the right reasons. Include a cover letter as this is a way of showing your personality and often more important than a resume that can be glanced at in a couple of minutes. If you want to know how to write a cover letter that shows you in the best light, visit My Perfect CV for expert advice.
Emphasize Your Accomplishments and Strengths
Don’t make the mistake of making your CV look like a job description. Use it to emphasize your strengths and accomplishments.
Apply for More Than One Job at a Time
If you only apply for one job at a time, you’re seriously restricting your chances of getting hired. It can take weeks for an employer to reply to your application, during which time you could be applying for more.
Research Companies Before Applying
It’s always a good idea to research a company you want to work for. The best time to do this is before you make your application because it means you can tailor your CV and cover letter accordingly. This is going to show that you’ve put more thought into your application and considered why you’re right for the role.
Prepare for Interviews
Practice makes perfect, and this is very relevant when it comes to job interviews. You can’t be prepared for everything, but there are several common questions you’re likely to get asked. You’ll be asked to tell the interviewer about yourself, and this is where many people come unstuck. The best advice is to keep your answers short and simple. Tell them about your background and accomplishments. Explain why you want to work for their company and what your future goals are.
Work on Your LinkedIn Profile
Your LinkedIn profile can help give you an edge over your competition. Many employers look at these profiles when jobs become available in their company. Sign up now, if you haven’t already got one and make sure your profile is complete.
Don’t be Discouraged by Rejections
Expect to get the odd rejection letter because it’s all part of the game. Getting frustrated is easy when you’re getting no results. Understand that not every employer is going to want to hire you. An employer is only going to hire you when they’re convinced of your potential and how you can help their company. Some are going to take more convincing than others, so don’t let it put you off.