(Newswire.net — September 18, 2019) — Vinyl siding is a versatile product; it can be mounted on almost any stable surface. Instead of stripping a house to its frame and losing the insulation value of the old wood siding, you can install the new vinyl right over the old.
To make installation easier, and to provide the greatest insulation value, install fan-folded foam insulation over the original siding before proceeding to install the vinyl.
Instructions – Prepare for Siding Installation
Vinyl siding is one of the easiest types of siding to install, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t require skill or knowledge to complete properly (via Modernize Siding Installers, Delaware)
- Remove corner trim from each wall that was placed on the vinyl side. The different thickness of the corner molding compared to the siding is underneath difficult to overcome. Lever the loose fit with a flat lever and hammer. Pull nails with a hammer.
- Install a 1/4-inch layer of dual-fan foam insulation over the surface of each side of the wall. Use 1 1/4 inch treated cover screws for installation. Drive the screws with a cordless drill until the head is flush with the surface of the foam. Cut the foam pieces to fit with a knife.
- Place a new corner vinyl finish on each end of each wall to be thrown aside. Cut pieces to length with a pair of tin scissors. Connect using screws from the 1 1/4 inch treated cover through the holes in the strip of vertical nails on each side of the corner, one every 10 to 12 inches.
- With a rope level and chalk line, make a line level with the top of the foundation from end to end of each wall. Install a bottom trim for the siding with its bottom edge along this line. Fasten with cover screws, one every 12 inches. Use full-length pieces as much as possible and cut a piece to fit the remaining space to the end of the wall.
- Cut and install a finished piece along the top of the wall – against the bottom of the ceiling or rafters directly under the view, depending on the construction of the house. Use treated deck screws every 12 inches.
- Cut J trim to fit all four sides of any window and the sides and top of all door frames on the wall. Mount the trim flush against the window or door trim, with the nail strip facing outward. Screw in place with cover screws.
Siding Installation
When you looking for your local expert for siding installation in Delaware you have to check Yelp, Better Business Bureau and HomeAdvisor top lists of contractors.
- Start on the installation side with the bottom row. Place a piece along the bottom edge of the wall, with the channel at the bottom of the siding mounted over the bottom edge of the starter strip. Force the siding to the snap channel at the bottom of the starter strip. Slide the end further until it fits perfectly with the corner trim at the end of the wall. Place the top edge of the siding with treated deck screws into the top edge nail strip, one every 12 inches.
- Place the next piece in the end row to finish with the first, overlapping 1-inch pieces. Adjust the bottom channel over the starter strip and screw into place, just as you did with the first piece. Measure the distance to the end of the wall and cut the last piece to fit using tin scissors. Insert the end of the piece into the corner molding for a clean finish.
- Start the next row above by breaking the bottom channel over the starter strip at the bottom of the nail strip in the first row. Force up until it snaps into place. Connect using cover screws as before. Cut the pieces to fit around doors and windows, using tin scissors, and stick their edges into the J trim as you did with the corner trim.
- Install rows as full height as possible. Measure from the bottom of the starter strip in the last row of full height, with the center of the edge end edge of the top of the wall, and then cut enough pieces of siding to that height to fill the last row. Snap the pieces into place in the starter strip as before and insert the edge of the cut with the final trim at the top of the wall.