How to Protect Yourself From COVID-19 When Shopping

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( — May 12, 2020) — Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the world has drastically changed. The majority of us are working from home, staying inside, and only leaving the house for exercise and essentials.

Shopping for groceries is one of these essentials. But when we are shopping, it is difficult to stay safe, as we come in close proximity to other people. Although grocery stores are doing everything they can to ensure their customers are safe, such as installing protective plastic shields at checkout, here are some ways you can protect yourself when shopping:

1)  Wash Your Hands

This is the most important and vital advice to ensure you are protected is to wash your hands before you enter the store and after you leave. This can stop any bad germs lingering on your hands once you’ve left the store. By washing your hands before you enter the store, you are also ensuring that there are no germs on your own hands, meaning that you won’t accidentally infect anyone in the shop.

2)  Leave the kids at home

This is another important point: in order to slow the spread of the virus, make sure that only one member of a household goes shopping. If you can, leave the kids at home, because this will ensure they won’t catch the disease from anyone else in the shop. It will also make sure that they don’t give the virus to anyone else.

3)  Keep your distance

This might seem easy, but it is imperative to stay at least 2 meters apart from any other shoppers in order to stay protected from this horrible virus. When paying at the checkout, make sure you keep your distance from the cashier, and stay behind the sneeze guard if they have one (like the sneeze guards from

4)  Wash non-packaged food

If you are really worried about contamination, wash any fruit, vegetables, or any other items that could have been touched by other customers. This will kill off any germs that may have been lingering, ensuring that you and your family are protected.


It is important that now, more than ever, we are all taking the necessary precautions to stop the spread of COVID-19 and keep our families safe. Use the above advice to make sure you are protecting yourself when you go grocery shopping, and, above all, remember to only go shopping when it is essential.