How to Use a Residential Proxy With Google Chrome

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By Alexander Hamilton

( — January 17, 2020) — This article is very informative on what you need to know about proxies and will delve deep into how you can use a proxy with Chrome.

But before that: What is A Proxy?

These are servers that act as a firewall between the servers (websites) you intend to connect to and you. This connotes that the requests created to gain access to a website are usually made via the proxy server. All the data traffic from a site’s server that you request resources from is channeled via the proxy server before it gets to you. Hiding your real IP address and anonymizing your web traffic.

There are several types of proxies. The focus will be on residential ones.

The upside is that, with the use of residential proxies, you can surf the internet anonymously by displaying a residential IP address (similar to the one you are already using at your home) or easily access content that is geographically delimited.

Why do you need a proxy for your browser?

In this case, let us consider Chrome as your browser. With that noted, here are the perks of using a proxy with Chrome.

  • It helps you bypass content and sites that are restricted in your area. Thus, if a certain website is delimited in your state, a proxy can help you access it anonymously.
  •  While using a proxy, you do not reveal your current location and IP address. Therefore, it is possible to do a lot of stuff online without it being linked to you or without any traces of you. You leverage residential IP proxy.
  •  If you want to monitor your company or kid’s activities anonymously, a proxy server comes in handy.
  • It guards your privacy and perks up your PC security by encrypting all requests from your computer.

Here’s How Proxy Works;

See, you might have been thinking that you must be a tech-savvy guy to use a proxy with your browser. That is not true. Just adhere to this guide, and you won’t regret it. Look: if you want to access a particular website, your request is first sent to your ISP -Internet Service Provider. Now, your ISP connects you to the site you had requested using your location and IP address.

Thus, if you send a request to a certain website while using a proxy, your ISP will receive your request as usual. However, it will redirect it to your proxy server. This way, your proxy server makes a request to access the site with a different IP address and location. This IP address and location are not the real ones. In simple words, it acts as a VPN, but you would probably prefer an IP proxy network.

All the information you get from the website is routed to you via your proxy server. This connotes that your proxy server takes the place of a third party between the websites you visit and you.

Setting Up your Proxy with Google Chrome

Here are the key steps in setting up a proxy server

  • Begin by opening your Chrome browser.
  •  Click on the menu icon, move down to ‘Settings’, and click on it.
  • Scroll down up to the bottom of the ‘Settings’ and select the ‘Advanced’ alternative.
  • On the ‘Advanced settings,’ scroll down to the ‘Network’ section. Click on the ‘Change proxy settings’ tab.
  •  Hit on the button labeled ‘Use a Proxy Server’ to toggle it.
  • The ‘LAN settings’ tab is on the right, click on it to be redirected to the ‘LAN (Local Area Network) Settings’ window.
  •  At this point be sure to uncheck the box displaying ‘Automatically detect settings’
  • check; ‘Use a Proxy server for your LAN’ (Local Area Network) box that is under the ‘Proxy Server, alternative.
  •   Then, you will enter the proxy IP address in the ‘Address’ box that is sent to you by your Proxy provider.
  • In the ‘Port’ box, enter the Port no that has been sent to you along with the address.


In Conclusion: consider checking IP addressesF through a good IP checking service. This ensures that your Chrome can access the internet anonymously.