Insurance Lawyer Releases Free Guide for Homeowners Making a Fire Damage Claim

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( — April 27, 2021) — GUELPH, Ontario – Fire insurance claims can turn into long, complicated procedures that leave homeowners struggling to get compensation from their insurer. Canadian law firm Virani Law has released a free, comprehensive guide to filing a home insurance claim that will help homeowners negotiate with their insurance companies.

Homeowners dealing with a fire damage claim can use the fire insurance claims guide from Virani Law to learn what’s in store for them and how they can make the process easier on themselves. Virani Law has set out to inform homeowners about their entitlements and obligations according to their insurance contracts.

The incidence of house fires has been on the rise during COVID-19, according to fire services, led by an increase in cooking and smoking-related accidents. In 2020, there was a 62 percent increase in household fires across Canada. With the increase in people working from home and children learning remotely, the last year has forced many households to deal with unprecedented pressure and distraction. That’s led to an uptick in fires ranging from minor kitchen conflagrations to lethal incidents.

Fires can start from something as simple as forgetting a pot on a stove or a neighbor tossing a cigarette butt from a balcony without extinguishing it. They can cause extensive damage, and both homeowners and tenants can be left to pay substantial sums if their claim is rejected or they don’t receive substantial compensation from their insurer. The more homeowners know about the insurance claims process, the more likely they are to receive a fair settlement from the insurer.

Natural disasters such as fire and flooding are costing the insurance industry. The Canadian insurance industry lost $2.4 billion in 2020 due to severe weather. Natural disasters such as wildfires and flooding pose an enormous risk to the insurance industry and there’s growing pressure for companies to control their costs.

Virani Law is making sure that homeowners don’t wind up paying out of pocket for expenses that should be covered by existing insurance policies. Their new guide to fire claims and recovery covers the step-by-step process of making a claim, explains the different areas of home insurance coverage, and goes over the potential complications that can delay the process or lead to a smaller settlement.

Virani Law was founded by Fy Virani after his family home was devastated by a fire in 2014. The fire took the life of one family member and left four others in hospital. Fy spent the next year caring for his family and using his legal knowledge to provide support that his family was otherwise left without. The experience showed how much support was lacking for families struggling to rebuild and recover. Recognizing that the insurance settlement was a vital step that families needed to move forward with their lives, Fy Virani opened a practice that would help homeowners who have experienced residential loss.