(Newswire.net — October 31, 2020) — There are a million and one things you’d rather think about than how to say goodbye to a deceased loved one, but it’s something that all of us have to do at some time. Letting go is hard enough, but caring for an estate and planning a funeral service only makes the grieving process more difficult.
One of the hardest choices you’ll ever have to make is what to do with the remains of your loved one. If you’re in the process of planning a memorial service for a loved one, then this article may help you decide whether cremation or traditional burial is the right decision for your loved one.
Don’t wait until it’s too late to discuss funeral arrangements
One of the most common mistakes that people make is that they don’t talk about the arrangements for their end-of-life care. If you have someone in your family who is in the latter stages of their life — whether it’s due to old age or terminal illness — now is the right time to have that difficult conversation.
Talking about how to handle their estate and burial plans is a great way to end a family feud before one even starts. It’s hard for even the most argumentative person to argue against the wishes of the deceased.
Talk to your loved one about their funeral arrangements before it’s too late. Bereavement is a stressful time for anyone, but it becomes even more difficult when you don’t know what your family member’s wishes are. Even though it’s a difficult discussion to have, it’s one worth having.
Cremation is cheaper than burial
One of the pros of cremation is that it’s cheaper than burial — in case you didn’t know, funeral costs can rise upwards of $10,000. Most of those costs come from the cost of the casket and the burial.
Even though funeral costs are high regardless of what you choose to do with the body, cremation can still cost less than half of what it costs to bury someone. Legacy Cremation Services provides cremations for under $1,000, and they have years of experience guiding people through the grieving process.
You can keep your loved one near you
Cremation gives you the opportunity to keep the remains of your family member if you so choose. Sometimes people have the remains of their loved one put in an urn for keeping in their home. You can even distribute portions of the remains among family members if you all want to hold on to them.
You can have a send-off ceremony for your loved one
Some people wish to have their remains scattered in a place that’s special to them. Getting your loved one cremated is a chance to honor their wish of being sent off or scattered in a location of their choosing. Many people spread the ashes of their loved one over a large body of water for their send-off, but there is no right or wrong place to hold your ceremony.
Even if you decide to have a send-off instead of a traditional funeral service, you should still encourage formal dress — it’s still a somber event. You don’t have to show up in a three-piece suit, but a button-up shirt and dress pants are still appropriate.
Ashes don’t have to be just scattered
Your relationship with your loved one is special, and keeping their ashes in an urn or spreading them over the ocean may not be the best way to honor that relationship. There are various ideas that you can choose when deciding what to do with your loved one’s cremated ashes other than scattering them.
One way to continue to honor someone close to you after their cremation is to take them on a trip around the world. If you made plans to see the world with them while they were living or if it’s something you talked about often, then you should still take that trip.
Another way to celebrate the life of your loved one is to plant their remains. You can have a professional to mix your loved one’s ashes with other nutrients and turn them into potting soil for a tree or flower garden.