Is NodeJs Backend or Front-end Development?

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( — December 21, 2021) —


Let us begin by making a better understanding of what Node.js is. Node.js is a popular development runtime environment used for executing server-side code with higher efficiency, and it offers higher bandwidth to manage great code payloads. In this article, we will discuss what NodeJS is? Is it for frontend or backend? Also, we will see the best cases for using it on the front end and backend. From the perspective of a web app development company, you will always be a preferred one if you are versatile between front-end and back-end development using NodeJs. 

NodeJs Suitable for Backend only: A Myth

NodeJs can be used in both frontend and backend development, although it is used commonly as a backend development framework. The reason behind this is many alternatives are available in the market for creating interactive and user-friendly user Interfaces. Some preferred frontend development frameworks are ReactJs, Angular, React Native, and even Vanilla JavaScript. Nevertheless! the Node.js Front-end framework is the preferred choice for building agile, efficient web applications in today’s industry norms. Its open-source, free, cross-platform environment makes it secure and reliable. You find many NodeJS web development services online from anywhere in the world easily.

Ease in Using and Hiring

Ryan Dahl, the creator of Node.js, decided to adopt one of the most successful programming languages, JavaScript. Node.js improved the overall control of developers. Developers can practice a higher level of authority over system commands, database calls, and network calls. Hence, we as a developer one can produce more stable performing and feature-rich web applications. JavaScript is nonetheless one of the most adopted programming languages across the globe. NodeJs is based on JavaScript – therefore, the shift in Node is more straightforward and quicker. Keep in mind that experienced NodeJs developers get highly paid. NodeJS web development services are expensive when hiring a freelance developer.

Node.js Is Suitable for Both Front and back end development 

There is an extensive amount of libraries developed for Node.js. Using Node.js for the frontend is a logical extension of the various features that it provides. Let us know how Node.js improves the developer experience.

The capability to use a similar language for both frontend and backend makes it more comfortable for developers. There are many libraries prepared to use in the frontend. For example, the ‘moment’ is a library that prepares dates in the defined format. The availability of the JS engine on the web browser makes the integration of Node.js packages effective.

Now that we have a better understanding, we can conclude that NodeJs is always a good choice. It’s a big YES. Yes, for Node.js in both the frontend and backend of applications. 

Today many people think that the NodeJs is a backend framework or a backend server-side scripting language exclusively. But, NodeJs is just another programming language that can be used for both frontend and backend development. Though the whole context is on the V8 JavaScript engine, the environment gives specializations of efficiently executing JavaScript documents that do not even get executed in the web browser. Hence, it is helpful for the frontend environment as well. 

Working of Node.js: A Deep Dive

In Front end development, Code processors require rendering text in a web browser. The HTML and CSS repositories that we receive usually get reduced by eliminating all the additional characters for faster rendering and transportation. Pre-processors help the browser in rendering the files. Node.js allows us to code those processors in JS, thus allowing larger flexibility and customizability.

Input/output confined applications are highly profitable the way streams get managed in Node.js. In this means, data streaming is the most effective implementation of Node.js, but there are indeed few to choose from. Still, today’s developers and development companies in Asia USA, the Middle East, and the UK choose Node.js for backend development for many advantages like better efficiency and productivity along with reusability and performance primarily.

As a large quantity of data that arrive into systems are in the form of streams, you need not spend a lot of time during this process. The goal is to use the time while another operation is getting performed, and Node.js does efficiently. The application function depends on the hosting service you take, but with Node.js, you do not need to worry about it. It can be hosted everywhere, including the cloud hosting providers and web-hosting services, and centralized web servers. Tech Giants like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon have executed it so well. On the other side, Small businesses hire in-house web developers or make contracts with a web app development company to handle their projects. 

For database Integration, Node.js has libraries and interfaces that provide seamless integration with databases. In backend development, Network and API calls are necessary. As we know that many libraries are available that enable us to perform API calls, Node.js gives us a higher degree of control over the HTTP requests made. We can designate the headers, set up proxies, and get responses in formats suitable to our application. CRUD (Create, Read, Update, & Delete) actions are done using JS. Database combinations allow us to manage database operations in JavaScript, making the learning trajectory for databases a lot easier to understand.

Bottom Line

Node.js can be your preference for frontend and backend development to develop robust, time-efficient, real-time network applications. The most significant advantage is you don’t need to hire two different developers with different expertise in their domain. All you will have to do is hire nodejs developers who will handle the entirety of your web development project. NodeJs has all the superior features that are prominent in achieving exceptional performance. For JavaScript framework built on a single-threaded, non-blocking event loop is the best part. Also, other modes, such as batch modules, make this framework apps perform, overtaking a single CPU center, which is the best play of advanced technology for web and app development. NodeJS web development services are widely available, there are tons of freelancers, and in-house developers are ready to handle your development project. Web app development companies are regularly looking for highly experienced developers for their projects.