(Newswire.net — May 4, 2017) — CDN can be a tricky element to pin down while searching for all the contributing factors to a great website experience, but nevertheless it’s doable. There are many CDN providers out there and whether it’s Edgecast CDN or another one, everyone wants to know the same thing: Is it good enough? Jodihost shows you where to look so that you too can discover whether a specific CDN service is good enough for your website. Here are the fundamental characteristics that any good CDN provider must have.
Good connection times
You can pretty much guess what the role of connection times is here. But just in case it’s not obvious enough, connection time’s help establish how long it will take for a website to secure connections. This is of course a very important attribute and shouldn’t be overlooked when deciding upon what CDN to get. Good connection times branch out into other benefits and they all translate to more efficiency for the overall website.
Good response times
This one is even easier. Response times measure how much it takes for the different servers which make up the website and its content to respond to browser requests. Browser requests represent signals triggered by users when they complete actions on the website such as clicking on a link or navigating to a new page. Every small action requires a response from the server, thus it is called a request. Depending on how fast the server can respond to these requests, the faster the page loads for that user.
Continuous uptime
When trying to either build the reputation of a website or maintain its high ranking status, there just can’t be any mishaps like the website facing massive problems after a certain hour or during Fridays, because the CDN server provider doesn’t offer continuous support. A 24/7 hour uptime server is the only solution that is capable of maintaining a website up constantly and thus not risking to lose the attention garnered through its following.
Take these things into consideration before deciding upon a CDN service to buy, as they will prove of vast importance. Getting into a bad CDN deal is never a pleasant experience, and the negative effects will be mostly felt by your website as the efficiency with which it manages server connections and user requests will be greatly diminished due to the aforementioned factors not being part of the equation. That being said, it’s important to research all CDN options available within a large radius before setting down and shaking hands with one of them.