(Newswire.net — August 9, 2020) — Most are convinced that we have finally found it! A diet that without excessive sacrifice takes care of the express loss of excess fat, sharp focus, plenty of energy and a healthy body.
That all this is true is evidenced by the numerous successful transformations of satisfied individuals that confirm the winning strategy and clearly, many are interested in it in this way.
But the main question is… is the ketogenic diet really what you desperately need on the road to success and super transformation?
What is a Ketogenic Diet
Let’s start by looking at why the keto or ketogenic diet is so special. To get the right answer to this question, we need to focus on the basic macronutrients: proteins, fat carbohydrates.
Of course, as in other strategies, with a ketogenic diet you bring all the basic builders into your body.
The fact is that there is a concrete difference when we look at how much energy a certain group of nutrients brings to the body.
Relationship Between Macronutrients in The Keto Diet
Most individuals who do not eat a balanced diet get most of their energy based on: carbohydrates (as much as 50%), this is followed by fats (35%) and finally more proteins, which cover the rest (i.e. 15%).
In the case of a ketogenic diet, this relationship is quite different. For the keto diet, a rule applies in which the body gets 75% of its energy from fat, 20% from protein and only 5% from carbohydrates.
That’s right!
A person who follows the rules of a ketogenic diet consumes 10 times less carbohydrates than most people. Extremely low carbohydrate intake is, however, significant for some other strategies, such as LCHF and paleo and the Atiknson diet. The question arises, why such a big difference?
The answer is actually very simple.
How the Ketogenic Diet Works
Extremely low carbohydrate intake is necessary if you want to “unlock” the main potential of the keto diet, which is hidden under the name ketosis. It is a physiological state in which the body uses fat instead of carbohydrates (more precisely glucose) as the primary source of energy.
They are broken down into so-called ketones in the ketosis phase. Ketones are basically organic compounds that the body can use as an energy source, which is extremely important information for understanding this strategy. It is also the information that makes the keto diet so appealing to so many people.
As a diet, however, it is a great choice for diabetics, because it has a positive effect on health, however, this is not what makes most people decide to start a ketogenic diet.
The main reason that a low-carb diet raises so much dust is definitely hidden in the promises associated with express consumption of excess fat. Namely, most are convinced that with the help of this strategy, the results can be achieved significantly faster, because the organism in a state of ketosis uses fat as the primary source.
It’s all nice and accurate, but by no means so simple and banal. There are several reasons why this is so.
Quick Loss of Weight as a False Confirmation
The first difficulties arise with the rapid results that occur in the initial phase of the transformation and most misinterpret them.
It is true that through a ketogenic diet in the first few days you can quickly notice a change in weight, which is usually not the result of a lower proportion of excess fat.
From the moment you start to follow all the rules related to the keto diet, until the moment when ketosis occurs, your body still uses glucose as its primary source. Because the intake of carbohydrates, which are otherwise the source of this fuel, is extremely low, the body is forced to use all the hidden reserves in your body. They are in the form of glycogen (stored glucose) found primarily in the muscles and liver, and bind huge amounts of water.
This means that the use of hidden supplies also results in a lower proportion of water in your body, which of course is reflected in your body weight.
So be careful not to be seduced by the first impression of happy individuals, because gold is not all that shines.
What You Must Be Careful of With A Keto Diet
In addition to fast results, the keto diet attracts many with its “sinful” supply of food.
Since fats are the primary source of energy and cover even ¾ daily caloric intake, with the keto diet, foods such as bacon, butter, cream, all types of cheese, etc. are also allowed to appear on the menu.
Of course, this confuses many concretely!
As a rule, it is about food, which in the world of successful transformations we call “sinful”, so it is not surprising that the mentioned strategy is even more tempting.
But is all this really allowed? To some extent yes, but still slowly.
What to Eat on a Keto Diet
As with all other strategies that bring the desired results, so with the ketogenic diet there are certain rules. Fat intake is no exception.
Namely, they differ from each other (monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated…) and although in any case one gram of fat gives the body nine kilocalories, the impact on the body can be very different.
The same goes for carbohydrates…
It is true that one gram of carbohydrates has the same caloric content in any case, but it does not matter whether you include integral rice or plain white sugar on your menu. Therefore, even in the case of a ketogenic diet, it does not matter on what basis you consume the required amount of fat.
Not just bacon, cheeses and butter… First of all, it is important that the majority of your menu are quality foods, such as:
- nuts,
- olive oil,
- avocado,
- seeds,
- eggs, etc.
Is a Ketogenic Diet the Best Choice for Weight Loss
In addition to the above, under no circumstances should we miss another fact, for many bitter taste.
I notice that some proponents of the keto diet present this strategy as by far the simplest and most effective when it comes to successful weight loss, ie the consumption of excess fat.
Yes, I agree that a ketogenic diet is effective and I believe that many individuals have achieved a nice result and feel superior in their body – but, beware!
The keto diet is basically no different from other concepts that bring the desired results.
This is a strategy that you must, of course, if you want to consume excess fat:
- adhere to specific rules,
- include healthy and quality food on the menu,
- take care of organization and discipline
And you will still need to consume fewer calories than you expend, as this is a basic requirement if you want a lower proportion of excess fat.
Far from being a ketogenic diet is one in which you can eat unlimited amounts of food, enjoy all possible sinful snacks all the time and achieve the desired result without any effort. It is a naive thinking that entices many.
And finally, what seems to me to be by far the most important…
Which Strategy is Optimal for Your Tranformation
You probably agree that there are several different paths to the top. A healthy lifestyle and a successful transformation are no exception.
That’s why it seems ridiculous to me when „experts“ fight their own egos and decide which diet is the best, or which is considered the ultimate. The fact is that there is no single answer!
Each individual is a story unto himself, so we need to address these issues in a different way and listen to our body.
What each of us, who want a healthy and fulfilled life, and a successful transformation, must ask ourselves is the following: What is this strategy, which I follow most easily given my lifestyle, does not burden me and allows me to live the way I can stay true to it over a long period of time?
The fact is that the answers will be different, which is quite normal. Whatever the choice, it will not go without:
- discipline,
- organisations,
- adaptation,
- testing,
- learning,
- perseverance
- effort.
These are, in any case, integral elements of a success story. Without exception!
What is a Fat Fast?
While being on a keto diet, you’ve probably heard about fat fasting. This is a technique that helps you to get back into ketosis after a cheat day, or helps you break weight loss plateaus.
It works by increasing your fat intake on 80-90% (which is slightly higher than on keto) and significaly lowering your calorie intake to 1000-1200 calories per day. This helps you to get into ketosis quickly.
But be aware that you should follow this kind of diet no more than 3-5 days because it lacks important nutrients.
Keto diet might be a good solution for you to lose weight, be you should also know that there are many possible side effects of keto. Therefore, I recommend you NOT to follow this diet, or any kind of low carb diet, without medical supervision. Especially if are on some medication or have heart disease, diabetes or if you are pregnant.