(Newswire.net — July 27, 2020) — Did you know that over 64% of small businesses have a website today? This statistic means two things, one, that everybody is there for a reason. The Internet is easily accessible and very useful when you want to maintain constant touch with your customers. Furthermore, it gives your brand an online address and helps your customers find you. This is why so many businesses have a website today.
The second thing this statistic tells us is this: Fierce competition!
With so many people using the internet today, there is more user-generated content than expert-generated content. This further means that the quality of over-all content goes down but the quantity keeps growing with exponential momentum. If that continues to happen, good content would end up getting lost in a pile of bad content.
When that happens, good businesses don’t get the organic reach they deserve. Sounds like you?
If you too have been struggling to get your website the organic traffic you want, here are some of the best digital marketing hacks at your rescue:
Populate your website:
To begin with, you need to put the right information on your website. Any information that can make it easier for your customers to find you in this wide pile of nonsense that floats on the internet should be there. You should introduce your product catalog, your team, your location, your mission, vision, and over-all brand identity on your website.
In the modern world, your website domain is your visiting card, make sure it is something with a high recall value and no spelling confusion. You should not just make website content a lump sum investment. The content needs to keep your website alive. You should make it a point to post new informative tips, blogs, videos, etc weekly. The more content you put, the simpler it gets for your leads to understand you.
Moreover, you should make it a point to get your website the right “looks”. With so much stuff you’re going to populate your website with, it can become cluttered and repulsive. Professionals such as Uplers can help you avoid that risk while also helping you with your digital marketing better.
Quality Check:
Of course, quantity matters but quality gets a higher vote! There is no point in putting all that information on your website if the information isn’t 100% true or useful. You should be very sure that you are posting only the most authentic stuff with your label on it and stay away from plagiarism if you would like your website to not get copyright strikes. However, quality isn’t just about good content, it’s also about easy content. Avoid lengthy sentences and boring descriptions, make your content as comprehensive as it can get.
Images too:
While so much thought is going into the content, let’s not forget the power of a good thumbnail. You want a catchy face on the body of your content because let us be real: Looks sell! When there is already so much content on the internet, why should people click on something that doesn’t catch their attention? You want to ensure the images you use are beautiful and unique. Moreover, you should optimize their dimensions to ensure they don’t reduce your website speed. Use Alt texts and captions to improve their relevance for your website.
Use the right keywords:
We know you may think the right keyword is something that gets searched the most, however, that is also the keyword everyone has their eyes on. You are going to find hopeless competition for that one keyword. While that keyword would surely get you visibility IF YOU GOT RANKED FOR IT, just relying on that one shot is being unrealistic.
You should aim for keywords that may not have such high search volumes but perform decently and have relevance for your particular goal. Your chances of ranking for lesser popular keywords are higher than so for the most popular ones, and once you start ranking and get more traffic on a regular basis, you can also engross the biggies in your content.
Guest blogs:
It’s true that guest blogging for SEO is dead, but guest blogs can get your website external traffic and improve your visibility. You should pick the right avenues for guest posting. You want to collaborate with bloggers who deal in the same niche as you but have a better reach than your blog does.
It goes without saying, your website’s organic reach improves when your content gets shared organically. You may have to lay the first stone in that direction. Every time you post something on your blog, share it with your contacts. You can use social media to cross-promote your other channels. Plus, if your content strikes a chord with your contacts, they will share it ahead too, which means you’ll get more organic traffic successfully.