(Newswire.net — January 22, 2020) — LINE has only existed as a social media and communications platform since 2011, but with the addition of LINE Ads to the platform, their growth has skyrocketed, particularly in Asia.
Marketers using LINE Ads can target their ads by age, interests, gender and region. This is particularly useful to smaller companies and brands whose target audience is smaller than their competitors.
Having a smaller focus on their customer base allows these brands to save money on their marketing activities. Instead of using larger, more established ad platforms, by using the ads platform of LINE, a brand has the ability to directly target their customers by demographic profile, instead of by keywords.
While keywords may be preferable when you hope to reach as broad an audience as possible, targeting by demographic profile is more suitable for companies whose customer base is more regional and niche-oriented.
Regional brands offering products specific to a certain audience will undoubtedly see the value in using the targeting capabilities that this ad platform represents.
Targeting Through Different Formats
LINE also features three formats of ads, depending on the customers you’re trying to reach. The three formats are app ads, web ads and video ads.
App ads are tied to app downloads. They describe your brand’s products and services upon downloading of the LINE app. Web ads are linked to an external site other than LINE, such as your brand’s website. Video ads provide the best option of explaining your brand’s products and services directly to the viewer.
All of the formats will appear on user’s devices who fit the demographic profile of age, interests, gender and region you’ve specified.
Using External Analytics
As LINE Ads is a new feature, LINE has launched it without the ability to provide user information or data advertisers can use to make use of to target their ads accurately. An advertiser has to use external data and apply it in the context of the four targeting criteria.
But LINE does offer metrics after the fact. These metrics offer useful data on the effectiveness of ad campaigns run using the LINE Ads platform. These metrics supply useful information such as the length of time a user spends looking at particular ads, as well the conversion rates and bounce rates of the ads.
Future of LINE Ads
LINE is a social media and communications platform that is still growing in popularity. Although the popularity is mostly confined to Asian countries, the platform is undertaking marketing activities to spread its appeal beyond Asian shores.
Spain is showing promise as it has growing numbers of regular users and residents of Chile have also demonstrated an increasing interest in the uses of LINE.
As the popularity of LINE continues to spread, expect some enhancements and updates to their ads platform. A greater number of users means significant changes to an ad platform’s capabilities. Count on LINE to increase the abilities of their ad platform to keep up with the growth of their app.