Local Influencers are Boosting Business in Cleveland

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(Newswire.net — November 14, 2016) — We’ve seen a nice growth in the local business landscape this past year, especially with the economy also growing at a steady rate. A lot of local businesses and brands in Cleveland are gaining more customers and generating a lot of interest nationwide. The boost is, in part, thanks to local influencers and their social media posts.

There is no doubt that influencer marketing – and internet marketing in general – is helping local businesses reach more potential customers. You too can benefit from this new trend and work with top influencers in reaching a wider customer base.

Top Influencers on Multiple Channels

There are a lot of big names from the influencer world that frequently feature businesses in Cleveland as part of their content. Dan Brown, a New York-based YouTuber, was actually born in Ohio and recently featured Cleveland in his vlogs. Other bloggers, Instagram users and Twitter influencers are also doing the same, showing local businesses and promoting them to millions of people.

These top influencers are usually utilizing a number of popular social networks. YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat are now the top-4 influencer marketing platforms to use. Facebook is a popular platform too, but you can find more influencers working with the previous four platforms.

We have a lot of Cleveland-based celebrities doing the same good work too. Machine Gun Kelly, an artist famous for his (often) controversial songs, now has more than 8 million followers on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. He also shows Cleveland and local businesses in his content.

Getting Started with Influencer Marketing

While the top influencers and their millions of followers are lucrative in terms of reach and exposure, getting started with influencer marketing involves working with influencers with a smaller reach first. This is especially true when you have a relatively limited budget and can’t afford to spend thousands on a marketing campaign.

The good news is that no reach is too small. A teen posting about your coffee shop may bring several of his or her peers. A known local photographer with a strong Instagram account can help you reach hundreds of thousands with just one post.

It is also important to keep in mind that influencer marketing is not about selling your products or services. It is about producing content that the audience actually likes. It is also about reaching the right audience. Your business or brand only needs to appear as part of the story; the rest is downhill from there. This is why there are service providers such as Sand Storm Holdings offer access to carefully crafted campaigns.

SandStorm Holdings excels in all kinds of marketing – from email marketing to content marketing, and social media.  They can help you to identify a demographic and then build engaging campaigns with influencers that will attract and convert your target market.  With a focus on ROI, you know that when you hire Sand Storm you won’t be losing money – in fact, you’ll be making it.  High volume traffic channels can deliver more targeted customers to your website.  And, with Sand Storm’s help, you’ll be building engaging campaigns that convert in no time at all!

Without this kind of knowledge, your campaigns are likely to be unsuccessful, or not perform to the best of their ability, so it is best to get the professionals on side before you start.

A Big Impact on Local Business

There is no doubt that influencer marketing is bringing in a lot of business. In fact, a lot of businesses such as hotels in Cleveland are now taking their influencer marketing efforts to the next level. They began actively inviting influencers for a visit – paid and facilitated – in exchange for content and exposure.

You too can take the same route and enjoy the true benefits of this internet marketing instrument. Influencer marketing will continue to have a big impact on the economy. It will be interesting to see how much more local businesses can gain from influencer marketing in the near future.