Malicious Apps on Appstore: How to Spot Them

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( — December 31, 2020) —

Cybercriminals will go to great lengths to get their hands on personal data and information. Sadly, it is virtually a form of currency, and it can be gathered without you even knowing it. These days, malware can be attached to anything and everything as a way to get inside your defenses, and criminals keep getting more innovative in their delivery methods. 

Even your apps are not safe these days, as malicious apps have been able to make it to the App Store time and time again. While the security against these malicious apps is ever-increasing and growing, their distributors find ways around it. However, there is a lot you can do to protect yourself and spot these apps before you download them. 

Also, don’t forget to use a high-quality VPN such as NordVPN to protect your sensitive information from possibly malicious apps.

Use Common Sense

This will be the number one way to keep 95 percent of malicious apps off your devices. If you see an unknown application promising to be the most secure messaging app on the store, common sense would tell you not to believe it. Usually, when an app sounds too good to be true, that is because it is malicious.

Most apps that are developed for the App Store are going to have financial gain as the incentive. If an app offers you the best of everything plus the kitchen sink for free, it has to get you suspicious. Never download any app that promises more than is reasonable, as there will be other intentions.

Check the Permissions

While some apps will require a lot of different permissions for your phone, a lot of them can run with minimal access. Something like Facebook will need access to many different areas of your device because of the integration it offers. If you have a basic word processing app asking for the same, you should start asking questions.

Before you download any new application, you should see the list of permissions it requires first. Most of these permissions can be logically explained within the features of the app. When an app starts asking for permissions that aren’t making sense to the functions, you should steer clear of it for your safety.

Read Reviews

It is far too easy for companies to automate great reviews online, as it is rampant on app stores, so you must do more thorough research. Never take the overall review score as a given, as there are many ways these can be augmented. 

Instead, take the time to read through user reviews, and you will quickly spot the ones that are fake. It is worth the time and effort to research reviews before downloading, as it could protect you from serious security problems. All it takes is one bad app to spoil the bunch.

Check Contact Information

Every app on the store is required to have information on the developer and some methods to contact them. While anyone can make up a fancy company name to sound like the real deal, the details are what you must look for. Check and see the email address that the developer has provided, as this can be a quick sign of whether it is an amateur developer or something malicious.

Any online business that is even half-serious about appearing reputable is going to use a professional-grade email address. If the app developer is listed at a random Gmail or Hotmail address, that is a pretty clear sign that you shouldn’t have a lot of faith in them. A business email or website is a preferable thing to see here.

Google is Your Friend

If you have gone through the previous steps and are still unsure about the application you are considering, you have more you can do. Google is going to be the best place to look for information and see if everything is legit. You can look up the developer to see what else they have on the market or if they are even a real entity.

You can also check out information, reviews, and tips from various websites on the application itself. The Appstore is not the only place to find this kind of information, and if an app is out there, you will most likely find people talking about it. A quick Google search is a great way to verify if an app is safe or not.

Play it Safe

When it comes to your personal information, you cannot play it too safe nowadays. There are too many ways the criminals can use that information to hurt you, so you must do what you can to stay protected. Before you download that newest app that looks amazing, take the time to check it out, research it, and make sure it is safe for your device.