(Newswire.net — May 7, 2019) — Instagram is the new trend of the modern era. Most people use Instagram in their leisure time, and many use it most times of the day. This generation is more addicted to Instagram than ever before. Most companies and influencers are taking benefit from it. Somebody who is usually on the app and sees an advertisement multiple times will surely click on it once. This is how the algorithm works, more clicks, more views. And when there are more Instagram video views, Instagram automatically shows it to a broader audience, which operates in your favor.
People have now discovered this way of Instagram marketing. They use different strategies every other day to get more likes, views, and followers on their post, to spread the word and eventually increase the sales and if not deals, but the incentives given by Instagram.
Soon after the algorithm of Instagram changed, it became more difficult to get a large number of likes and capture a greater audience.
How to get more views on the Instagram videos
Here we will be discussing a few tips which will help you get more views on your videos and make your videos more visible to a much larger audience. This will also help you with the algorithm that Instagram has. You surely don’t want to use some fake tools to trick the algorithm and make your profile do better on Instagram.
Here is what you should do.
Try boomerang and IG stories
These are the short video or the moving pictures, which has always been fascinating and eye-catching. You can use this feature of Instagram to make your videos much better and to convey your message in a short but effective form. Boomerangs are one of the ancient elements of Instagram. But it has still not lost its charm. People still use it to make a better and short video. It is a great thing to be used for marketing purpose.
Try hashtags
Hashtags have always been used since the start of Instagram. Try to use hashtags which are unique and exciting. The more hashtags you use, the video will appear in all those categories. Using the right hashtags is essential. And using rather more hashtags doesn’t mean for you to flood the video with that. Keep them limited and try to use such hashtags which make the user stop and see the video.
It is not just about spamming it but using your mind to make your video get more views.
High-quality video
Make sure your video is not some low-quality video. Even if it is not very high quality, try to shoot it in a better light and better sound. You cannot always rely on the music. People will get attracted to the sound as soon as they hear it if they don’t listen to it then what is the use. Instagram doesn’t play the music until you tap in the video. So, the sound effect comes later. What happens before that is the graphics. And how good the quality is. Also, the use of colors and contrast.
You should take care of the visuals first and then to the audio.
Sponsor and repost
If you are a commercial organization, you can sponsor the video to make it more visible and to capture more audience.
Sponsoring will surely bring you more views. It will let your video to be showcased in front of a larger audience which will work in your favor to get more pictures for sure. You can also re-post the video after some time. You don’t have to spam and make it monotonous but to make the audience remember about the product repost it.
These are the few tips and tricks to help you have more views. There are many other things which you can do to get more vies, but for the starters, these are pretty good. You start with them, and you will see a huge difference in the number of views you have compared to those you had earlier.