(Newswire.net — October 24, 2019) — New shifts in client mentality are leading law firms and their marketing agencies to change previously established norms in their promotion of legal services. The shift in client expectations is a global trend, although it is particularly evident in the United States. Out of the multiple new aspects of marketing campaigns designed for law firms, the shift to changing perceptions towards the profession itself via cleverly designed marketing strategies deserves special attention.
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The Age of Information and Access: How It has Changed Client Expectations
Similar to how the internet has opened up marketing opportunities to businesses of all sizes by expanding their reach beyond what was possible before, it has also transformed customers and clients forever.
Not only do people now have easy access to legal information, but they also have multiple law firms to choose from. What this means is that lawyers and attorneys must now adapt their marketing strategies to cater to a highly informed client base, who are well aware of the fact that they have multiple options to choose from.
There is a large section of the population however, who are still do not seek out legal help when they should. This is a problem that is now being realized and addressed with significant effort being put towards bringing about a change in perception of the profession.
Fighting the Cliché
Lawyers, attorneys and law firms indiscriminately enjoy the infamy which comes with the territory. There’s a long-standing negative image which legal professionals share universally, and often unfairly. It had never been anything that was believed to be of any real consequence before, but that is not entirely true anymore.
The general idea was that people came to lawyers only when they had to, therefore, changing the cliched image wasn’t necessary. Online and offline surveys on the other hand, clearly show that a good number of people avoid seeing a lawyer or attorney for advice even today, because they still believe in the cliché.
What this means is that right now, there is a huge number of potential clients which the legal industry can’t tap into because of their image problem! However, companies like dNovo Group Inc law firm marketing provide strategies that are cleverly designed to help their clients overcome the cliched reputation by increasing their approachability, which in turn would automatically make them stand out from the competition.
Those that manage to pull it off successfully become one of those few legal establishments which even the most suspicious citizen is willing to try out, because the carefully designed marketing makes them realize that it’s okay to at least give the firm a call.
The Social Impact of Changing Perceptions: Beyond Business
This is a major shift in marketing strategy, since it seeks to change the very perception of the legal profession in general, which would, in fact, open up untapped markets to the industry. If more citizens feel like they can seek legal assistance when they need to, instead of suffering the consequences of inactivity, that would be a very welcome shift in perception.