(Newswire.net — May 14, 2021) — You might have already heard that emotional content in television programs and films can leave a considerable impact on the psychological health of the viewers. It does so by directly affecting your thought process that further relates to your behavior.
When TV programs generate some negative mood effects such as sadness, anxiety, and anger, such experiences can also change your interpretation of personal life events. It may also trigger some negative memories in your mind and you will start worrying more about the different events of your life.
The impact of the negative news bulletin is not an exception here; instead, it can also increase ignite some negative psychologic effects in your mind while affecting your overall health and well-being. The sensationalism generated by the news bulletins is gradually increasing day by day and it goes worse when the community is already facing some difficult situations; for instance, the present situations of a pandemic or the terrorist attacks.
There is no doubt to say that many important events are happening in the world, some bad things also occur in different instances. People should also know about these happenings and news bulletins can be a great source for this. But when the news reporters try some sensational strategies to present this news to the viewers, it can cause a negative impact on their minds. The effect is very high when people watch news related to injustice, political unrest, violence, war, famine, and crime time and again.
The negative news can increase the stress and anxiety among viewers. People who watch the news time and again are likely to feel depressed related to their life matters as well. This is because they receive negative triggers repeatedly and it affects their overall psychological behavior. A group of researchers in the year 1984 sampled the major commercial television channels in the United States (NBC, CBS, and ABC) for around 20 days. Among all these three channels, there was an extensive number of bad news as compared to the good news; even around 47% of the stories covered in the classifieds were negative news updates. Another group of researchers examined the type of content presented in the news channels in the year 1996 for an around 6-month period. Almost one hundred broadcasts were monitored in relevance to five different categories of bad news: suffering, conflict, tragedy, violence, and crime. It was observed that 53% of the stories covered details about violence, suffering, and conflict.
If we consider the present-day scenario, it is likely to find a higher percentage of negative news as compared to the good news on the news bulletins. These broadcasts lead to triggers about sadness and may further lead to many other negative consequences due to the negative psychological behavior of the person. This is the main reason why experts advise limiting news time to a minimum and prefer watching good news mainly. You can subscribe to the msnbc live news now to get quick updates about what is happening in the world without stressing yourself with the repeated negative triggers.