(Newswire.net — June 24, 2019) — In the realm of cannabis promotion, everyone wants to be heard. It seems that medical marijuana experts are popping up and becoming a dime a dozen. However, few are truly dedicated to the positive, healing message that cannabis brings. Veriheal has been on the front lines pushing for a better tomorrow, and if there is any voice that you can trust, it is ours.
For years, there has been a stigma surrounding cannabis. Since it was outlawed many decades ago, certain groups in power have pushed a smear campaign to paint cannabis in a negative, damning light. Of course, we all know that this is done solely to drive a pro-corporate agenda where the freedom seeker is bad and the mega-corp is good. We all know that corporations have one thing in mind, and that is profit. Veriheal, on the other hand, has your best interests in mind.
Because we know the healing strengths of medical marijuana, we want to share that with you. Our goal is to open doors that have been closed by Negative Nancies and nay-sayers. The War on Drugs (read: war on personal freedom) has taken its toll: unconstitutional raids, the militarization of the police, packing prisons to line more pockets. The list of poor decisions by the government doesn’t end. We sift through the muck and shine a light towards a better understanding.
Veriheal was founded to put you in a system dedicated to growth. We work to put you in front of doctors so that you can get access to medical cannabis. Taking that next step of finding a dispensary can seem intimidating, too, but we want you to experience how easy it can be. Our entire ecosystem exists to serve you. We don’t do it for a profit; we do it because we love it. We hold high standards in regards to privacy and patient safety. Everything we do is 100% confidential. Believe us when we say we understand how little privacy the government and big corporations want us to have. We turn that around and say let them have privacy!
Further, our physicians are all licensed to do their job in their respective states. Nothing is back-alley sketchy with us. Our doctors are real, they are certified, and they know their stuff. Expect no witch doctors, medicine men, or psychic healers (as cool as those sound). We respect the professional medical world and try to bridge the gap between potential cannabis patient and doctor.
Josh Green, one of our co-founders, had this to say about Veriheal:
“It’s appalling to us the number of people out there that are still frightened by cannabis. The entire industry was stigmatized very early on and we have seen patients that you never could imagine using cannabis, turn to it for relief. That in itself takes a lot of strength–to go against what you’ve always been told to think about something–we’re here to help foster that change.”
That’s Veriheal’s bottom line: foster change and bring awareness to the benefits of cannabis.
Any and all information that you may need in regards to cannabis can be found if you seek. We exist to answer any and all questions and concerns so that you may start looking towards a new path, a path of healing, hope, and growth.