Playing Slots vs the Lottery-Which Online Game Has the Best Odds?

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( — October 17, 2020) — While some gamblers play online games purely for entertainment, others do so to win money. The significant jackpots and winnings are a motivation for many gamers. If you want to play slots or the lottery, you may wish to participate in the one with better odds. Thus, which one among the two has the best odds? Let’s find out below.

The Nature of the Two Games

Both slots machines and the lottery are random. With slots, the game offers unexpected outcomes, while in the lottery, the winning ticket is selected randomly.

Some lottery games offer winners significant payouts, which attract many gamers to such. For instance, the Powerball games that offer huge jackpots entice most gamers. There are slot games such as progressive slots that also offer a gambler the chance to win big.

In playing slots, you have to spin and wait for the wheels to land on the lucky number that indicates whether you have won. In the lottery also, you buy a ticket which you hope will end up being the lucky one. Thus, winning either the lottery or slots will entirely depend on random numbers.

The Slot Machine Payouts

When playing slots, there are random number generators (RNG) that determine the payout. The RNG goes through several combinations of numbers to ensure non- predictability.

This RNG also makes the game genuine since no player can purport to predict the spins to enable you to win. However, brick and mortar casino payback differ from that of an online casino.

The land-based casino can set their rate of payback; they want their slot machine to give. That’s why you can play similar slots machines in different casinos and get the varying return to player payback. Also, different states have set the minimum RTP that a casino can offer slot players. Most land-based casinos offer RTP ranging from (0.85-0.98) percent. These casinos have also set the minimum you can wager as one dollar.

Online slots machines give a higher payback, and most similar games have the same RTP in various casinos. The payback ranges between 0.94 to 0,98 percent, which is higher than brick and mortar slot machines.

Most top-rated online casinos / best casino sites for playing slots usually give standard payback no matter the amount you are wagering while offering a uniform percentage payout in all states.

The Lottery Payout

In a lottery game, the players buy tickets that have fixed winning odds. Thus, your odds of winning in any main lottery remains the same no matter the number of sold tickets. Thus, the higher the number of tickets issued, the higher the number of prizes.

You play the lottery by selecting your numbers, or you can have a retailer to select for you using a machine. Most major lotteries offer a 0.5 percentage payback of their ticket sales. This amount is less if you compare to slot machines.

In the lottery, there are scratch cards whose payback depends on the cost of the ticket. For instance, a ticket that costs one dollar has a payback of about 0.5 to 0.6 percent.

On the other hand, online scratch cards offer a higher percentage payout compared to those you purchase at a convenient shop. Their RTP ranges between 0/9 to 0.95 percent.

Thus, both brick and mortar and top-rated online casinos / best casino sites for playing slots offer higher payback than the lottery. Besides, your odds of winning the jackpot are slim but, you can always play that which you find the most entertaining to you.