(Newswire.net — September 18, 2019) — Looking for some good pool care suggestions? You’ve come to the right place! This article will teach you some easy pool care tips that will help you keep your pool clean, healthy, up and running! Even if you’re not new to pool maintenance and don’t think you need this article pool maintenance for beginners article, you’ll be surprised to discover how to keep a pool clean cheaply through some nifty tricks and some new pool startup chemicals! Your expertise doesn’t matter: some good tips and pool chemical start up instructions will come in handy for everybody!
Pool Care Suggestions
A few pool care suggestions to consider include skimming and scrubbing your pool daily, cleaning your filter, making sure that your pool has healthy chemical levels and chlorine and more.
Skim and Scrub Daily
If you want a truly pristine pool, you have to skim the leaves and debris off every day, and scrub the sides of the pool to prevent algae build-up. Scrubbing shouldn’t be done daily, but it’s better to do it often.
We know it’s a bit of a lag to do this, so, if you can’t afford skimming, consider purchasing a robot vacuum that will clean the pool’s bottom in your stead. As for scrubbing, just soak an old sock with chlorine and let it sit on the spot for some hours before scrubbing. It will be a lifesaver!
Clean Your Filter
Turn off and clean your filter basket at least once a week and clean it to prevent dirty and cloudy pool water. Clean the pipes too at least once a month and try to not turn on and off your filter constantly (it might break). Consider setting your filter on a 6 hours long timer for a healthy lifespan.
Healthy Chemical Levels
Your pool needs some chemicals to keep the water clean and safe, but don’t overdo it!
Buy some testing kits from your local pool store and check that the readings of cyanuric acid are around 30-50, alkalinity around 7.5-7.8, total alkalinity around 60-120 and calcium hardness around 220-350. If you can’t afford some of these chemicals (granted, some are a bit pricey), you could also use baking soda to control the alkalinity levels on the water. It works as good as them!
Shock Your Pool
Sounds crazy, right? But no, don’t worry: we don’t mean electricity. “Shock” here refers to drastically raising the chlorine levels to kill bacteria.
You see, bacteria can grow on the water if you neglect it long enough. To avoid this, dilute three to five times the normal amount of chlorine or any other sanitizer through the pool’s return line and later refill it with water. It’ll do the trick. Although, make sure that you give the shock an adequate amount of time to get diluted before swimming in your pool again.
Keep an Eye on The Water Level
Pool levels are very important! After a rainstorm or a loud cannonball party, check that your water level is halfway up to the opening of your skimmer. If it’s too low, add more with a hose. But if it’s too high, rent a submersible pump and drain the excess. Also, mind the chemicals: the abrupt level change might have thrown them off!
Absorb Oils with a Tennis Ball
Didn’t expect this one, eh? This is actually more of a fun trick. You see, when swimmers enter the pool, they can bring in suntan lotions, hair products, body oils… You know, rather unpleasant substances. In order to absorb them, throw a tennis ball into the water. Its fibers will absorb the oils and keep them from staining your water’s surface.
Power Wash Your Deck
Add some shine to your deck with a power washer you can rent at any home improvement store. Sweep away some of the debris from your deck first and then set the washer on a weak to medium power spray to get rid of the rust and weather stains. This will completely clean your deck!
Hire a Professional Every Year
Although people can pride themselves on their pool care knowledge, sometimes we just need to hire professional help to look after our pool’s mechanical equipment. That’s why we recommend you to hire qualified services at least once per year so they can check your pool’s overall health.
What chemicals are needed to maintain a pool?
Chlorine is your primary sanitizer (although bromine is an excellent alternative). You also need shock, alkalinity and pH to measure the water’s acid-alkalinity balance.
How long should I run my pool filter each day?
Get a timer, and set it to run an average of 6-8 hours a day. It will properly circulate and clean your water.
Bottom Line
As you can see, these easy pool care suggestions and tips focus mostly on DIY methods, quoting some new pool startup chemicals as great, albeit not forceful, alternatives! Our pool maintenance for beginners’ tips showed that, through proper methods and pool chemical start up instructions, keeping your pool, although arduous, will be worth your time and hard work! Now that you know how to keep a pool clean cheaply and efficiently, you can make the most out of our pool care suggestions!