Raising Your Child as a Single Mother- Stress Free Tips

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(Newswire.net — May 1, 2019) — Being a stay at home mother and raising a child with a partner can be one of the most stressful, exhausting and time consuming things you’ll ever have to do; however, doing it all alone is a whole other story. Motherhood brings on a range of emotions that can be uncontrollable during the first couple months after the baby is born. If you are looking for ways of coping with all of these hardships and raising your child as a single mother, just understand that you are not alone and it is not impossible.

Raising Your Child as a Single Mother

Raising your child as a single mother may be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Be sure to know how to handle your frustration, make time for yourself and more.

Tips For Single Parenting


New mothers are bound to feel frustrated figuring out how to do the basics of new mother duties such as changing a diaper and figuring out your baby’s feeding schedule. As the child gets older, more needs come with age. Add on the pressure of working, playing and disciplining your child alone, it would be a miracle if you felt not a single ounce of frustration. When feeling frustrated with your child, during the growing stages and common toddler tantrums, exercise your patience by counting and breathing together with your toddler. Show them healthy habits of dealing with stress from an early age and going through them together helps you understand your child’s needs more.

Make Time for Mommy Time

You cannot water a flower with an empty vessel. As a mom, you will find that there are days that you feel like you have nothing left to give. Having no energy, patience or empathy for your child can result in you acting out or leading you into postpartum depression. Make sure that you rest when the baby rests or you can practice self care during the baby’s naps. If you can ask for help, let someone watch your child for about an hour so you can soak in a relaxing bath, get your nails/hair done or just sleep. Keep a healthy diet, take your vitamins and include some physical activities to keep yourself feeling fresh and lively.

Mommy Guilt

No matter how much someone tells you not to bury yourself in mommy guilt, you will still end up with a huge weight of mommy guilt especially when you are a single mother. Just because you are on your own, does not mean you cannot set boundaries, make rules or discipline your child. It may take a while to level out how to be the disciplinarian and have empathy at the right times, but many mothers have done it and you will find the way to do it as well, in the way the fits best of your parenting style.

Make a Schedule

Sometimes you will feel like you’ve lost control of your daily routine. Everything has to revolve around your child’s needs and wants from the moment they wake up to the second they (or even you) go to bed. Once your child has his set nap and eating times, make a schedule of what you can fit in to get done through the day and when.

Bottom Line

Being a mother is one of the most fulfilling experiences you will ever have, that comes with anxiety, exhaustion and tension. Just remember that raising your child as a single mother is not impossible. As long as you have the best intentions for your child and make time to take care of yourself as well, you will be the best mother for your child. Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you’re feeling frustrated, guilty or loss of control.