(Newswire.net — October 17, 2017) Salt Lake City, Utah — Technology continues to provide savings in many industries. Recently, companies dealing with construction and retrofitting have reaped the savings benefit. Progressive companies have experienced this benefit by embracing laser scanning and 3D modeling. Construction is a hands-on business with the need of many different disciplines to have access to accurate measurements. Accurate measuring is a key factor for various reasons including exact machinery placement, Osha labor requirements, as well as material planning etc. The promise of field-accurate site conditions inside a 3D building information model has become a reality on construction sites and in early design discussions, thanks to better software import capabilities and newer, less-expensive field scanning technologies. One of the leaders in use of this new innovation is Noorda Technologies based in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Reality Capture is a tool that can enable a more profitable project. From small, family-owned construction companies to mega construction corporations, more contractors are turning to 3D laser scanning for their projects. It works by digitally capturing the dimensions and spatial relationship of objects using a line of laser light. The scanner then outputs a point cloud image, which accurately replicates the scanned objects. 3D laser scanning benefits for the construction industry far outweigh the added cost. One of its biggest perks is its versatility throughout a project.
Reality Capture is a group of methods and tools now being used to model the real world in computer software. These models are used in all levels of industry to document, catalog, and measure structures, building projects, monuments, topography, and much more. It works by capturing the dimensions and spatial relationship of objects using infrared laser light. The resulting ‘point cloud’, as its output by a laser scanner, is a highly accurate digital map of the object scanned. Accurate measurement and modeling are key to the construction industry, as well as heavy industry. The additional costs involved in Reality Capture are far outweighed by the benefits gained by having accurate models to utilize in all aspects of planning.
Aaron Owen,
Noorda Technologies CTO states: “Architects, engineers and builders are able to utilize Reality Capture and the resulting 3D models to vastly improve as-built verification, generate blueprints, and improve project management in a fraction of the time and cost of legacy methods. Reality Capture is a cornerstone in Building Information Modeling, topographical survey, as well as having many implications for insurance and liability. Existing conditions are captured in high detail to augment planning.”
Architects and contractors in particular will benefit from understanding pre-existing damage, unexpected conditions, or other potentially disruptive factors, as well as having access to highly accurate measurements of structures that may not have existing blueprints. As an added benefit to contractors, by using Reality Capture, all aspects of a new structure are documented for post four-way inspection documentation, and as reference for modifications to the structure at a later date. Plumbing, electrical, HVAC, and other mechanical systems are all captured and documented, without the need for the contractor to step foot on the job site, and can be viewed via 360-degree measurable photographs.
Due to the high degree of accuracy of laser generated models, manufacture and heavy industry now have new tools to design and build much more complex structures and a method of verification once projects are complete. Significant cost savings are realized over the life of a project by having measurements right the first time!
Renovators and other builders are able to utilize 3D laser scanning to create personalized verifications and blueprints in a safer and faster method. Additional uses for builders include:
• BIM modeling
• Overhead clearance
• Telecommunications
• 3D laser grid mapping
• And much more
A 3D scan creates and preserves an image of a home or office building in its pre-project condition. This is helpful for both contractors and clients. The scan includes any pre-existing damage, so there will never be a question if damage occurred during the project. It also gives a contractor the built-as specifications, which is perfect for buildings or structures that lack their original blueprints. Generally speaking, the elimination of redundant measuring and inaccuracies, saves enough money to cover the cost. Ty Phifer Director at Noorda Technologies points out: “On a typical construction project, 15% of the cost of construction is budgeted for rework. With laser scanning, the ability to catch conflicts before they happen can reduce rework to 1 to 3 percent or even less. This reduction translates into hundreds of thousands of dollars in savings on change orders, not to mention the advantage of keeping the project on schedule.”
For general contractors, this insight is one of the largest benefits of laser scanning. Laser scanning helps lower contractor risks by ensuring as-built drawings are accurate and by exposing any inaccuracies early in the process, before they turn into change orders during construction. The benefits of laser scanning do not stop at pre-construction coordination. Scanning progressively during construction to compare with as-designed models and drawings, provide archival records, and document critical milestones provides tremendous value throughout the construction process, as well as to the owner, as the building is managed, maintained and renovated. David Herbrig of Noorda Technologies said: “Our goal is to help companies understand the advantages of laser scanning. We regularly do lunch and learn education seminars”. Noorda Technologies currently is involved in many projects in multiple locations. Their focus on the detail of the laser scanning process continues to mark them as leaders in this industry.