(Newswire.net — December 8, 2020) — Digital marketing is an expanding industry. It has experienced recent growth in its demand due to the increased use of the Internet. These days, people are very dependent on the digital platform to get hold of products and services they require, and then new marketing sites emerge and add to the competition.
Michael Giannulis throws light upon the desired skills for marketers
• Ability to comprehend buyers’ needs and requirements: every business entrepreneur has a target audience in their mind. They design their actions according to the needs and conditions of this target audience. It is essential to understand their needs to provide them with reliable services. Even in the case of a particular market, there are distinct demands which arise. These demands need comprehension and proper analysis so that the company stands the chance of gaining success.
• Analytics: quantitative communication is an essential skill that marketers must develop. They must be agile with analytic tools available on the digital platform. Appropriate metrics and data is the driving force for making a decision. They correlate to the campaign and are key performance indicators. The analytical tools help in tracking the success of business campaigns. Hence, marketers must make use of the analytical dashboard without fail.
• Inbound marketing: inbound marketing converts, attracts, and nurtures qualified sales. They utilize strategies that get designed for assisting the business. According to Mike Giannulis, the aim is to entertain and inform your target audience to get maximum returns to create loyal consumers. Outbound marketing, on the other hand, is invasive and disruptive.
• Communication skills: effective marketing communication requires a clear message that gets directed towards the target audience. Moreover, these messages use an appropriate tone while communicating with customers. It requires a firm understanding of the terms and conditions of your firm. Communication encompasses both written and verbal form. Fluency in visual communication and technological communication may help the marketer understand the marketing process’s different stages.
• Ability to write a story: web publishing is an integral part of contemporary marketing strategy. For this, understanding the real difference between a landing page, a blog, and a thank you page is essential. In addition to this, they need to develop the skill of telling a great story. You must be able to publish content and participate in the content strategy process. Content marketing is a vital component of business strategy. Marketers need to focus on writing skills to convey their messages to the target audience.
• Contemporary digital platforms, tools, and channels: another skill that marketers required today is to grab an understanding of how to leverage social media channels, websites, and applications. They must also understand the difference between what the marketer must post on the digital content platform and what they must post on different blogs to entice users.
Marketers these days demonstrate and engage in continuous learning. The different digital marketing skills like content strategy, inbound marketing, and lead generation are essential tools that marketers utilize for their benefit.