(Newswire.net — September 11, 2019) —
Leaving Behind Mobile Users
Lots of criticism is being leveled against startup businesses because of the marketing mistakes they make when they first begin. For startup companies, that means there is plenty of growth in the future and the possibility of reaching out for help from experienced business guidance. Neil Patel is named a top influencer on the web. Patel recently pointed out that startup overlooks mobile users. Mobile users can be marketed just like any other sector that is targeted by advertisement — the rate of mobile users is about 50%. With 50% of the population using mobile platforms, it makes sense for startups to use some of their marketing efforts and dollars to design a mobile version of their platform.
When a startup leaves out mobile customers, the customer gets the impression they are unimportant to the business.
Never Offering Discounts or Coupons
Customers are loyal people. Treating customers well will open the door for customers to reciprocate. The same thing that shoppers do when offered a coupon on a grocery or big-ticket item. The card is a goodwill gesture on the part of the company to extend its generosity to the consumer. When a company offers a coupon or an occasional discount, it shows the consumer that the company is conscious of the needs of the consumer.
The Absence of a Blog
When a company fails to offer its customers a blog for sharing pertinent information, the company cuts off one vehicle the company can share with the consumer. Having a blog with fresh new material posted at regular intervals give the consumer a channel for learning more about the inner and outer life of the company. The more the consumer can find the determination of the company, the more value they will place on those values they have an emotional connection.
Not Having Enough Social Presence
Using social media is another extension of the inner working of the company. A new customer can look up the brand name and connect through Twitter or Facebook and other social media. Most company websites have three to seven social media contact points for consumers to communicate with the company. The multiple social media contact points are separate from, and an addition to, the customer service line usually associated with a business. Startups can grow tremendously by adding more social media contact points to their website, print media, or other add campaigns. Social media points for consumers are not intended to be duplicates of other social media. Fortune 500 companies use Amazon advertisingin many creative ways to attract consumers. Video is kind of a social platform. Each social media outlet can be assigned a specific purpose of the company for consumers which reflects a particular way the company shares with consumers.
Video, Video, Where Art Thou!
The use of videos is a significant way to present an all-inclusive message to consumers. With the explosion of video media today, it is easy for a company to have considerable contact with consumers by regular posts on one of the video platforms online. The videos don’t have to be just sales reports or sales meetings. Company videos can also be entertaining and include a variety of content like recipes and office parties.
A video can also cover interesting topics that may be of interest to consumers like how the company keeps track of its return on investment.
Looking for Guidance
There are many ways a new company can improve its marketing efforts. How does a company begin to correct the faults they find in their marketing? A startup company can seek a professional marketing agency and ask for a general meeting with the marketing group within the company. When the agency’s representative arrives, the marketing department can offer ideas on how they could improve its advertising mistakes. The first meeting can be general, and later sessions can choose the most vital marketing programs that could improve their policies.
Meeting with a Marketing Firm
Meetings between a representative of a major advertising firm and the startup can identify what is successful. On later sessions, there also can be additional marketing practices added to the startup marketing practice repertoire. A successful marketing campaign is not about following who knows who, but engaging with consumers. It may take a startup some time to understand how to attract their customer to their brand. Finally, after trying out new marketing applications to reach more customers, the original techniques can be integrated into the future ongoing marketing campaigns. A startup company can always improve its marketing campaign by having regular brainstorming sessions within the company. A company can also post a suggestion box or a monetary reward system for those who contribute new ways to reach consumers.