Survey Shows Many Parents Feel Insecure With Their First Aid Skills

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( — March 17, 2017) Woodbridge, Virginia — A recent British study revealed that almost a quarter of parents do not feel they know how to administer infant or child first aid. While 21% of parents have been in a first aid situation involving their children, only 31% felt confident in doing so. 38% were so insecure in their skills they worried their child would die, 20% thought their child would suffer lasting injury and 11% were unable to act, freezing completely. Children, especially infants, rely on their parents for every need. In addition to learning basic first aid skills, which every parent should do before having a baby, and taking refresher courses every two years, it is wise to take all precautions to safeguard the home. Here are some recommendations for ways to protect children within the home: 

1. Cabinet locks: once babies start crawling, they immediately go for any low cabinets, so it is necessary to keep them locked and shut. A popular option on Amazon is the Magnetic Cabinet Locks sold by Safety Baby. No tools are required for install, making baby-proofing a breeze. Another, perhaps less obvious need is to lock shut toilets, appliances and drawers. These Multi Use Latches from Munchkin are versatile and easy to use.

2. Outlet plugs: tiny fingers love poking into electrical outlets, which are conveniently low to the ground. Stick outlet plugs into all electrical outlets to keep inquisitive fingers out of harm’s way. This option from Mommy’s Helper has Amazon’s stamp of approval and comes with 36 plugs, which is very handy in wired homes.

3. Corner protectors: harmless before, corners become a major safety hazard with children in the home, perfect for bumping little heads when learning to stand. The clear Furniture Corner Protectors from Baby Mate are just right for protecting a little one, and their clear design makes them less noticeable. 

4. Furniture brackets: children love to climb, sometimes up furniture that can easily tip. The best way to protect children from this is to install brackets that will hold furniture to the wall. The Furniture Safety Bracket from Mommy’s Helper is a great option, easy to install, and removable if you need to clean behind the furniture. 

5. Gate: there are some areas of the home young children should not enter alone, for instance, up or down the stairs, in the kitchen, or in the bathroom. To ensure young children do not wander into potentially unsafe areas of the home, installing a baby gate is necessary. The Regalo gate is highly reviewed by thousands of parents on Amazon.

6. First aid kit: no matter how well you prepare, accidents happen. It is vital to have a first aid kit handy for these instances, to be able to quickly and calmly attend to your little one’s needs. Shockingly, the poll found that while 84% of parents make an attempt to childproof the home, only not even half keep a first aid kit in the home. The Small First Aid Kit from Surviveware is small and light enough to keep in a diaper bag, or store in a kitchen drawer or glove compartment, while still stocked with all the basic first aid items one may need. It has additional space to additional items for specific needs, like an Epi-Pen for children with allergies.

As noted by the study, taking a small amount of time each day (they recommend one minute per day studying first aid) is all that is needed to feel confident and comfortable in protecting children from the dangers of the home.
In addition to studying first aid, it is important to minimize risks within the home, and be prepared with the proper knowledge and materials in case an emergency happens.


13003 Smoketown Road
Woodbridge, Virginia 22192
United States