(Newswire.net — November 10, 2015) — Elite triathlete and coach, Brian Lowman of Team Lowman / Endurance Coaching, has been experiencing his own “magnesium endurance miracle” under the extreme stress of international competition. This husband and father of two is a 5-times Ironman, including 2-times Kona qualifier and finisher.
In September, Lowman finished 76th out of 297 in the male 40-44 age group, and 495 overall out of 2739 in the Ironman 70.3 World Championship in Zell am See, Austria. Then in October, he finished in the top 30% at the Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii.
So Brian Lowman knows well his body’s responses under intense athletic training conditions, extreme-sports performance, and recovery in marathons and triathlons. Yet it was only this year, when preparing for the Ironman championship competition, that he was introduced to transdermal magnesium. Now he’s telling his story, and the results speak for themselves.
Handling a Tough 122-Mile Ride
In one instance, Lowman and fellow Kona qualifier, Mike Biddle, made a tough 122-mile bike ride with two large climbs at 8000+ foot elevation in preparation for the world event. The following day he rode a fast-paced 80+ miles with an hour run off the bike, fully expecting not to have much strength left in his legs from the prior day’s extreme challenge. He was surprised at what happened.
“As soon as I got on the bike, my legs felt fresh and surprisingly strong… They felt amazing the entire ride and then on the run as the temperatures hit 93 heat index.” Lowman attributes this remarkable improvement in muscle recovery, leg strength and energy to his newly discovered “Power of Magnesium” (Mg12).
His training regimen? After the 122-mile ride, he took time to soak in Dead Sea Bath Salts. What’s interesting here is that the Dead Sea contains 40 times more magnesium chloride than any other body of water in the world, and it has a history of amazing stories of healing behind it. That’s why it was a favorite health spa as far back as Cleopatra’s time. Its pure magnesium and mineral complex is already in ionic form, ready for the body’s absorption.
Then in the morning, he covered his legs with “MagneSoothe Magnesium Oil,” a non-oily, topical magnesium ointment including 20 other essential mineral salts from the rich North Basin of the Dead Sea. It was readily absorbed through the skin into the muscles and blood stream, so he was promptly good-to-go.
On another occasion, Lowman reported his preparation for a 114-mile ride as part of a local training camp. He used magnesium lotion and oil on his legs and soaked in the bath salts the night before, then used more magnesium oil on his legs the next morning before the ride. The pace was strong, as he was riding with a visiting pro triathlete and Olympian. He expected to struggle a bit toward the end of the ride, but was surprised at how good his legs felt all day, actually getting much stronger toward the end.
Lowman’s Ironman Competition Regimen
“I used the Dead Sea Bath Salts throughout training and every night 4 days leading up to the race. During training and during race week, I would apply MagneSport Oil on my legs and sometimes chest before rides and runs, as well as the balm on legs and arms. I soaked and have been soaking in the salts post-race for recovery and have been amazed at how well my legs have recovered.”
Magnesium for Athletes
Topical magnesium treatments such as the ones used by Lowman are being used with outstanding results reported by athletes and trainers at all levels and all sports. Results include significant increases in lap performance and speed for swimmers and runners, and dramatically shortened injury recovery time for football players and baseball pitchers.
Measurable endurance levels have been increased with magnesium supplementation, muscle cramps reduced, and sore muscles soothed. Bodybuilders have reported reduced or eliminated muscle burn, so they get a deeper workout.
The Reason is Found in the Research
Magnesium plays a vital role in the performance, contraction and relaxation of all muscles. It is responsible for the delivery of potassium and calcium across the muscle’s cell membranes that are directly responsible for nerve impulses and muscle contraction, including for the normal rhythm of the heart.
Research from the University of Palermo has shown a significant relationship between magnesium and measures of muscle strength – grip strength, lower-leg muscle power, knee rotation and ankle strength.
It has also been found that ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the main source of energy in cells, must be bound to a magnesium ion in order to be biologically active.
Not just for Athletes
Magnesium is not just for athletes, joggers and the physically active. It’s been a very hot medical and fitness topic recently, widely popularized by natural health advocates such as Dr. Oz and Dr. Mercola as a “must” for everyone.
Dr. Carolyn Dean, author of the best-seller, “The Magnesium Miracle,” insists, “Without magnesium we are operating with the power turned off.”
It is one of the seven essential macro minerals and is the fourth most abundant mineral on earth. Magnesium is essential to over 300 enzymatic reactions within the body including for cellular respiration, energy metabolism, protein synthesis, blood pressure, muscle function, nerve function, bone health, skin health and stress management.
Magnesium is essential for the absorption and utilization of other essential nutrients. It is necessary for converting vitamin D to its biologically active form. It assists in immune system function and protects cell membranes.
Yet over 70% of Americans Suffer Serious Magnesium Deficiency
“A combination of increased amounts being used by the brain under stress and the depletion of minerals found naturally in crop soil due to modern farming techniques has led to magnesium deficiencies at epidemic proportions,” says Tom Strader, owner of Mg12, LP in Tryon, NC. (Mg12.com), manufacturer of topical magnesium chloride treatments and spa products from pure Dead Sea minerals.
Medical News Today‘s September 16, 2015 article, “What are the health benefits of magnesium”, discusses the linkage of magnesium deficiency to insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, coronary heart disease and osteoporosis.
The body cannot utilize calcium properly without adequate magnesium. Under some circumstances, calcium can actually be leeched from the bones. Instead of boosting bone strength, some calcium supplementation can create calcium deposits in arteries (atherosclerosis) and kidney stones, all because of insufficient magnesium.
Other articles also delve into how critical magnesium is for alleviating threats of heart disease, stroke, arthritis, asthma, diabetes, depression, fibromyalgia, menstrual cramps, and much more.
How a Healthy Athlete Could Die of Sudden Heart Attack
On November 6, 2015, Renal and Urology News reported results of an extensive study at Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. It concluded that low serum magnesium resulted in a 42% increased risk of death from coronary heart disease and a 68% increased risk of sudden cardiac death.
That’s alarming news for the sports world, since most U.S. athletes, like the rest of the population, tend to be seriously deficient in magnesium.
“The athletes that you are seeing die on the field with heart attacks are caused by too much calcium and not enough magnesium,” reported Tom Strader in the July 6, 2015, edition of the Tryon Daily Bulletin, North Carolina.
That’s because under the level of stress athletic training and sports competition can cause, the heart sometimes will cramp and seize. Calcium constricts; magnesium relaxes and eases. Without enough magnesium, a heart attack can occur.
Brian Lowman is intense in his athletic training, and is a fierce ultra-sports competitor who pushes the limits of human performance. That puts intense strain on his heart muscle which could build a problematical, enlarged heart over time, a heart that could cramp and seize if he didn’t watch his health intelligently.
But Lowman expresses confidence his heart health is getting better than ever as he gives his body the magnesium it needs in the most absorbable, bioavailable form, transdermal magnesium chloride. And he’s enjoying the recovery, energy and performance boost, too!