(Newswire.net — July 4, 2017) — If there is injury and blame, then there is money and a claim. That’s the world we live in and while lawyers and claimants get a lot of stick for this, you have to admit that this is a good thing on the whole. After all, if someone is hurt because of the incompetence or negligence of someone else, then it’s only fair that they get some compensation.
But it’s not all down to trips, falls and car accidents. There are many more things that fall under the description of personal injury claims, many things that personal injury lawyers can help you to claim for.
If a drug doesn’t work as it should, if it causes dangerous side effects, or if it was misdiagnosed then you may be able to file a claim. It’s not as far-fetched when you think about it. After all, America is one of the few countries that will actively market these drugs to consumers, and when marketing is involved, big promises are made. If these fail, if they make you sick, then you can fight back and there is a lot of money to be gained.
The most serious cases come as a result of birth defects, organ failure, stroke and brain injury, but you can claim if they cause any kind of serious and/or lasting side effect.
You probably knew that you could sue someone who hurt or killed as a result of drunk driving, but did you know you could do the same with distracted driving? This is becoming more common as more and more people are attached to their smartphones. Anything from texting, calling and eating/drinking, to talking to a passenger and using a CD player/radio can be classed as distracted driving.
Defective Products
If a product is defective and causes harm, then you could sue the manufacturer and even the retailer. Some of the biggest cases in this section have included food products that have contained metal products and other detritus, as well as stair climbing machines that have caused injuries from falls.
If you have developed repetitive strain injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, white finger or other disorders from your work, then you could have a case. These days workplaces are getting wise and they are asking their employees to sign waivers before they agree to work there. But that isn’t always the case and a lot of claims have been made against workplaces throughout the United States.