The Three Best Alternatives for Dairy to Brew a Perfect Cup of Coffee!

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( — September 24, 2021) — People are waking up to realize the need for alternate diets that do not involve dairy and meat for a healthier and responsible lifestyle. As a result, the big brands are intensively spending huge sums on research to bring out replacements to cater to the needs of all sets of customers.

People could be lactose intolerant, allergic to dairy, or understand that their gut is just unacceptable to animal milk. However, as most people are used to having their cup of coffee with the perfect amount of cream and sugar, it might be hard to search for a vegan alternative that can compete with the taste and cost of dairy. So, let’s see some of the milk alternatives for your coffee, and why ordering wholesale coffee beans will help you in your journey!

Almond Milk:

Almonds are a great source of nutrients with no saturated fats but come with a nutty flavor. 

For making coffee:

Problem- Since the fat content of almond milk is 1g or lower per 100ml, it becomes a challenge to produce long-lasting and dense milk foam to get the creamy texture in milk.

Solution- To thicken the coffee, you need to thicken the milk first. Just combine one cup of almond milk with 1.5 tablespoons of sweetener, a teaspoon of vanilla extract, and a teaspoon of xanthan gum. Now, whip on medium for two minutes and medium-high for eight minutes.

Soy Milk:

Soy milk is the most widely available milk alternative that is dairy and nut-free. Its nutritional content can be good for steaming and foaming when done correctly.

Problem- Soy milk has a very strong flavor that can minimize the mild coffee flavors. Therefore, coffee lovers do not prefer soy if they are dissatisfied with the taste.

Solution- Soy milk creates a creamy and rich mouthfeel, almost similar to dairy. Soy milk should be steamed to around 140 degrees Fahrenheit and together with the espresso shot. 

Coconut Milk:

Coconut milk has a very rich and creamy texture when sweetened a little, providing the appropriate amount of fat used to create an excellently textured coffee.

Problem- Coconut milk is high maintenance. Since it is available as a blended water and nut drink, it varies greatly, depending on whether the milk is shop-bought as a nut drink or only the pressed coconut milk itself.

Solution- Buy coconut milk in the raw taste. If you blend it with other sweeteners, it becomes an excellent alternative to dairy milk in terms of texture and flavor without reducing the effect of coffee.


We suggest you go for wholesale coffee from the local coffee roasters. Whole beans will last for a whopping 6-9 months. So you can grind it whenever you want, and with these alternatives in your menu, you won’t have time to reorder and wait for the delivery as we can already see your sales shooting up like millennia!!