(Newswire.net — February 11, 2017) — We have people asking us, “how do I become an OracleDBA?” at least once a day. Learning Oracle is not the world’s easiest task, and becoming an OracleDBA is not an overnight achievement. We are not trying to be buzzkills!But the fact is that the drool-worthy salary has to be justified by a DBA during each waking moment of their careers.
In reality, Oracle is one of the most complex databases, and becoming an Oracle wizard takes the knowledge of multiple computer programs and college-level skillsets. It is only recommended for information system professionals and computer scientists who have the penchant for challenging themselves with increasing levels of responsibility. You need to start preparing from your early college years to set out on a path to become the ultimate Oracle guru.
Almost all IT and CS students take courses like Operations Research in grad school. OR classes prepare them to create complex tools that are applicable for real-world datasets. This allows them to develop the real Oracle aptitude. They can use Oracle as the back-end storage of data that prepares them for the real-world application of expert systems, AI and DSS. Taking classes on advanced statistics or multivariate analysis is also recommended for all who want to master Oracle and mine their skillsets for a lucrative 6-figure salary.
College degrees are a must to become a DBA. And as we have seen time and again, most reputable companies prefer a combination of technical and managerial skills. A DBA is required to understand the business systems and business operations. Therefore, having a MBA degree surely helps in grabbing the employer’s attention. The most preferred are those with an undergraduate degree in Computer Science and a master’s in Information Systems. Most large software vendors and DBA consulting agencies have a biased liking towards hard-working “geeks” who have graduated from the Ivy Leagues.
How necessary is a master’s degree for becoming a DBA?
A Masters degree may not be an imperative, but as we have mentioned before, it surely helps. ADBA is responsible for all the data resources of a company rather than just working in the database administration. Research shows that having a college degree increases your chances of being hired as a DBA by 40 percent.
Not every computer expert with a master’s degree becomes a DBA
If having college degrees were enough to make one a DBA, we would see every college graduate land a top tier job with renowned companies. But that is not the reality. DBA is a lucrative and exciting job, but at the same time, it is extremely challenging. It requires you to be available and committed 24×7. As a matter of fact, if you love the concept of leaving your work back at the office, we think you should consider another career option. Being a DBA means you are on call, all day, and every day.
It is a thankless job that requires you to evolve with technology. It requires you to work on weekends. You may have to forget Christmas and Thanksgiving for a while once you start your DBA job at a large firm.
The high pay more than makes up for the lost sleep and lost weekends. It is common for a DBA to earn as much as a mid-level manager. In the larger corps, a DBA is the vice president. A DBA is required to be competent throughout his career. He needs to justify his high salary. And more often than not, we see good DBAs, who can automate a huge part of their jobs, being forced to look for new job opportunities.
A few extras that you need to become a DBA
Most neophytes think becoming an OracleDBA is all in the college courses and their graduation certificates. But they cannot be more wrong. Most OracleDatabases support missions critical systems, and each DBA must have the following skills:
- Exceptional communication skills: since OracleDBAs are required to communicate with the consumer end, they must have good communication skills. They need to be able to convey the requirements and procedures clearly in oral and written form. Having special communications training and degree certificates are preferred for aspiring DBAs.
- A business degree: this is an unwritten mandate for all aspiring DBAs since they need to manage data applications that effectively address business systems. Most of the current DBAs have advanced degrees in business management and business administration. Having a degree from a sub-optimal business school can make the hiring opportunities bleak.
- Specific training in DBA: most of the OracleDBA professionals have at least 5 years training experience in the field. Nothing counts more than practical database administration experience. Having Oraclecertifications like OCM and OCP surely helps in securing a lucrative job with the big names. Having an astute understanding of Java and Oracle Administration Server is an added requirement for all good OracleDBAs.
The dreamy paychecks
Multiple OracleDBA salary surveys show that a good DBA makes an average of $65,000 per year. However the number varies greatly throughout the country depending on the levels of expertise and responsibility. Let us see a couple of scenarios to understand the numbers better:
The low-tier DBAs
An OracleDBA without a college degree and about 10 years of experience can look forward to a meager salary of $50,000 per year.
Middle-tier DBAs
These are the DBAs with a graduate degree and at least 10 years of full-time work experience. They can earn up to $105,000 per year.
Senior DBA
They usually have a Masters degree with 20 years of managing experience. A 45 year old manager can expect up to $180,000 peryear.
The big fish
We call them the DBA Superstars.They earn up to $210,000 per year. They usually have advanced degrees and specialized skills in Oracle Apps and RAC.
OracleDBA may seem like a lucrative job, but in reality, it is much more than that! It is a life-time commitment. Getting professional courses and degree-certificates is not enough to become a good DBA. You need to hone your communication and managerial skills over the years to earn and justify the 6-figure salary.