(Newswire.net — July 29, 2021) —
You are sorely mistaking if you think knowing English is the only thing you need to have a good career these days. Due to the ever-connected nature of the business that is prevalent these days millions of consumers are engaging in the global marketplace and English is not the language that they utilize.
Resonating with the consumers is the key to success, every successful company comprehends this, and communicating with them in their native language is the best way this can be done. If you are someone who is also trying to set your foot in the global marketplace then below is a list of some of the fastest emerging languages of the world that you should be aware of.
Hindi is the official language of the biggest democracy in the world India. It has over 425 million native speakers who consider it their first language while over 120 million people consider it their second language. Although many businesses are still utilizing English for conducting their business in India many natives have started using incorporating their native language to attract all those consumers who are not well-versed in English.
Besides the business perspective, Hindi language is also one of the most unique and beautiful languages that have captured the hearts of many individuals from all over the world.
Unlike other developed countries, natives of Russia are not well-versed with English and most of them exclusively speak their mother tongue, i.e. Russian. The total population of Russia is 160 million out of which only three percent speak fluent English and 30% understand a little bit of English.
At the moment Russia can be considered a hot-spot for e-commerce as there is a huge consumer base of tech-savvy youngsters. The overall online market of Russia is estimated to get thrice as big as it is today in coming years. Moreover, there is a complete lack of a dominant e-commerce website such as Alibaba or Amazon. So, for those who are willing to take initiative to learn this language this market is wide open.
After a devastating defeat in World War 2, the economy of Japan was a shambles. But, even after that by the 1980’s “the land of the rising sun” recovered greatly and became the second-largest economy in the world. Although its economy did become stagnant in the 90s it gained another momentum in the 21st century.
According to the reports of the US government, it is stated that Japan is one of the fastest-growing e-commerce markets in the world. Similar to Russia only a small percentage of the Japanese population uses English while the majority of them solely rely on their native language Japanese to conduct their business.
With over 260 million active speakers worldwide and 220 million native speakers, Portuguese is another emerging language that piques the interest of many businesses and language learners across the world.
So, these are some of the languages that you should consider learning if you want to boost your career or expand your business in the places where there is a huge chance to flourish.