(Newswire.net — October 6, 2018) — Why pay too much for your electricity. Leading Gold Coast Electrical Expert, EJ Barnes proprietor of EJ Electrical Works reveals the best tips to save money.
Gold Coast Electrical Audit Improves Sustainability Outcomes
With climate change being blamed for multiple natural disasters around the world, reducing carbon footprint and working sustainably is high on the agenda. Recently people have seen sustainability advocates blaming cyclones and bush fires on climate change. But while politicians fight it out, ordinary people can still look at ways they can make a difference. It could even be profitable.
The UN identifies three pillars of sustainability: people, planet, and profit, and EJ Barnes, owner and manager of EJ Electrical works identifies electrical audits as a simple step that could benefit both the planet and profitability.
Electricity is something everyone consumes, and clean energy is still in short supply, but according to Barnes, most households and businesses overlook the fact that emissions and costs could be substantially reduced thanks to electrical audits.
“Just about anyone can save money and use less energy after an electrical audit,” says Barnes, “Businesses and industrial clients stand to save the most given that they also use more energy than most homes do. But if consumers take it on a cost versus income basis, even homeowners can get a great return on a small investment following an electrical audit.”
That’s good news for consumers, but apart from direct cost-savings, Barnes believes that energy efficiency provides businesses with a marketing opportunity that could boost income: “In the business context, it’s worth remembering that people are interested in environment-friendliness. So, if you can say that a business is energy-efficient, that’s a good selling point that will resonate with many of consumers. That means businesses could make more money and save money at the same time.”
The Electrical Audit Process
Consumers can be confused about the audit process. “The electrical audit process follows a set procedure.” Barnes explains, “When conducting an energy audit, electricians look for anything that could be using more energy than it should. That reflects in energy costs. So, starting with your electricity bills for the last year or so, then take a look to see where all that power is going.”
Consumer electricity audits reveal cost savings in unusual places. “Quite often audits reveal that outdated appliances and lighting are to blame for excessive costs, but it could also be things like building insulation, or they may reveal that consumers could cover the cost of a rewiring job in a year or two just through electricity savings.”
There are also little things that can save big bucks and make a small contribution to sustainability. So, for example, if consumers are leaving outdoor lights on all night, maybe they should consider getting a motion sensor so that the light only comes on when there’s somebody in the area.
EJ says, “Once everything has been checked that could be wasting electricity, the audit is complete. These audits provide consumers with an overview of where the energy wasters are and can even give them estimates indicating how much electricity they’d save if they made a few changes.”
“If it’s a big concern, like a factory, there might be a lot of changes worth making, but it’s too much for the business to do all at once. In that case, audits help with prioritising and phasing changes so that they get the biggest ROI as fast as possible.”
Forming Energy Saving Habits Can Make a Difference
Although a full electrical audit is the high-road, Barnes also offers a little advice that can be applied as a matter of course. “Let’s say consumers always leave their computer on standby. It’s still using electricity. Research reveals that about 20 percent of the power devices use is consumed in standby mode, and those devices are probably using 20 percent of total household or office’s energy. That’s something anyone can fix just by changing their habits.”
EJ genuinely believes that most homes and businesses could be saving on electricity in ways they never thought of before. “It’s good to love nature, and respect our precious resources, consumers should do everything they can to reduce their carbon footprint,” he says.
Whether caring for the environment, or just hoping to save a few dollars, it’s worth having an energy audit done. Choose a certified Gold Coast electrician for the job. And in case consumers are worried, all audits are conducted according to a standardised procedure. There’s nothing subjective about them.
From a purely pragmatic perspective, homes and businesses should have an energy audit, and in most cases, it more than pays for itself.
Note: You can visit EJ Electrical Works or call 1300 DIAL EJ, that’s 1300 342 535. EJ Electrical Works serves the Gold Coast, QLD and Northern Rivers, NSW region.
Written & Syndicated by Baxton Media.