(Newswire.net — July 21, 2018) — Our hands serve us daily in more ways than we can imagine! And there are times when due to injuries or a wrong sleeping position, we end up hurting our hand and wrists. Sometimes, the cure is in surgery. There have been situations where heavy lifting of weights for a long span of time might result in hand injuries that only a hand surgery can heal back to normalcy. From athletes to any new age professionals, anybody can be in need of a hand surgery anytime.
Advanced hand surgeries
Technological advancement has brought in changes in the medical and surgical domain as well. Hand surgeries are not as risky as they used to be a decade back. Today, there are expert hand surgeons who take complete responsibility for the welfare of the patient. Prominent names include Dr. Looi Kok Poh and the like, who have attained fame and success in the hand surgery domain. These surgeons also specialize in several kinds of hand surgeries discussed below.
Multiple types of hand surgeries
- Tendon repairs
Our tendons run parallel to the bones, attached to the muscle for any movement. However, they can be severely damaged based on the injury. The primary tendon repair surgery gets done when a present injury is treated and healed. It takes place the same day or maximum within one week. And, the secondary tendon repair gets done within 3 or more weeks after your hand injury.
- Compartment release
It is also known as a fasciotomy. It is used to restrict the damage from all kinds of trauma by releasing the pressure in the injured compartment of your hand. The damaged tissue gets released. Usually, compartments are small spaces that get bound by bone or the fascia, the fibrous tissue containing nerves and blood vessels. When it’s left untreated for a long time, these compartments can affect the circulation, which can result in amputation as well.
- Joint replacement therapy
Also known as arthroplasty, this surgery aims to replace finger joints when they get damaged due to arthritis. The artificial joints are usually composed of metal, plastic or sections of your tendon as well.
- Nerve repair
This surgery is done to restore the feelings and sensation in your hand that gets damaged due to an injury. The damaged nerves are not able to carry messages to or from the brain. In the case of mild injuries, nerve damage might heal without any treatment at all. An expert hand surgeon can reattach the damaged nerves. He/she can also perform nerve grafts from other body parts to revive the nerve function.
- Replantation
This surgery involves the reattachment of fingers, fingertips or any part of the hand that was amputated due to a fatal accident. The process implemented is microsurgery. And hand surgeons might need to do multiple surgeries in case of serious injuries.
The ultimate objective of hand surgery is to revive the function and form of your hands. Expert hand surgeons aim to help you move your hands and fingers in a pain-free manner. Today, leading hand surgeons deploy advanced but safe processes to treat injuries and bring the patient’s hand injury back to normalcy, in the majority of situations.