Troubleshooting Server Down Issues – Locate the Error

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( — December 5, 2018) — Server troubleshooting can be considered a fine art which requires a lot of knowledge and talent. However, there are some easy and quick tips and techniques to get everything running smoothly. In this guide, we’ll show you some helpful things to troubleshooting server down issues and fix them as quickly as possible.

Troubleshooting Server Down Issues

1. Determine the Server Issue’s Area of Effect

While there are some benefits of a network, the first thing you need to know about their servers is how widespread the slowdown or outage is and which parts it affects. In some cases, what looks like a network problem would come from the damaged cable which affects a small amount of PC’s or one PC. If the same issue happens to multiple users, you can eliminate environmental factors such as software misuse or hardware problems.

2. Identify if the Problem Comes From Your Server

When multiple applications and servers are malfunctioning, this often eliminates server issues and points to storage or network arrays. With virtualization, you need to check for the location of any affected physical host to make sure they don’t have the same hardware which is potentially compromised. This process often leads to an obvious cause, but not always. You should always look for commonality on problems, and try other factor combinations to narrow down the possible reasons.

3. Keep Records on Server Connections and Settings

One of the most valuable tools for server troubleshooting is documentation. By accessing the topology of your environment, you can understand how an application operates, thus enabling quick server troubleshooting. Here are a few things that you need to know and record about the operations of your data center:

– The number of servers involved with every application

– The basic settings of the network

– The type of infrastructure in the network

4. Communicate all Activities and Work With Your Team Members

Just like other corporate tasks, communication is usually key to every server troubleshooting issue. To find out any cause of a serve down, you need to understand any change from other colleagues or departments, which might be the main reason. In most cases, large firms often have some change forms so that everyone can report what they have changed on the corporate network. Communication will help other members in the data center prepare and watch the network proactively when a change or new application goes into effect. Otherwise, you will ask constantly about this information when any end user begin to face poor functionality.

5. Monitor Your Server Status Thoroughly and Review the log Data

With an ongoing and detailed overview of the operation, you can save a lot of time in troubleshooting server down issues. There are plenty of monitoring applications available for various structures and sizes of data centers. When used properly, these tools would help track important metrics like I/O speeds and latency to alert you about any useful info for the troubleshooting process.

Bottom Line

Related logs should be also focused. When troubleshooting server down issues, it’s best to determine what the problem is affecting, and where the issue is located. When a problem happens, technicians should spend a couple of minutes checking the logs because this information can lead them to the cause of the server issue. Remember to routinely backup your computer so you don’t lose data.