(Newswire.net — October 23, 2017) — Addiction is a trap that can ruin lives and lead to endless pain and suffering. Before anyone can break free from its shackles, one must understand and recognize where it starts. Unfortunately, many people believe that their own addictions are merely pleasures of life and don’t seek the help they desperately need to get back on track.
Whether it’s gambling, drugs, alcohol or any other activity, there are always ways to interrupt the vicious cycles that can make one feel paralyzed and helpless.
When Addiction Becomes Dangerous
The line is crossed when an individual starts relying on their addiction. Physical or psychological dependency can be equally damaging, and each can lead to the other, forming a vicious combination. In many circumstances those with an addiction don’t even realize that they have a problem as the signs appear gradually. Unfortunately, by the time the line is crossed it’s often completely out of hand.
Many people believe that addiction is a choice that can be turned off just as easily as it started. This is not the case. The early stages of addiction may seem like a choice, for example when somebody makes the decision to try drugs; however, long-term use (and often short term) can have acute and lasting affects on learning, memory and behavior. When these influences starts interfering with rational decision-making, turning choice into necessity, addiction becomes a disease.
While some people are quick to point fingers, blaming and shaming those who have initially triggered their circumstances, it’s important to understand that addiction starts in the brain. The substance affects their body, causing the brain to become dependent and the individual to believe that they cannot live and function without it, even if the opposite is true.
Addiction is Treatable
Like most diseases, addiction is treatable; however, it’s not always curable. For example, most alcoholics wouldn’t be able to function having the odd drink and should avoid alcohol altogether, regardless of potency.
The first step towards tackling addiction is identifying triggers and knowing when to avoid the times/situations/thought-processes that cause those triggers. Additionally, those potentially entering addiction should take preventative measures, again, by identifying and avoiding addictive triggers. Education and awareness of the harmful effects can also serve as a deterrent.
There’s absolutely no shame in admitting and recognizing addiction. Not everybody has the physical or mental strength to overcome it on their own, and going “cold turkey” can be extremely dangerous if the body has built up physical dependencies.
If you think that you have/are developing an addiction, the best course of action is to seek immediate help. Whether you’re suffering from alcohol, drug, gambling, food or any other addiction, a rehab center will be the most effective and safest way to wean yourself off the addictive thoughts or substance.
For further information, get in touch with Detox South Florida. They are one of the best drug rehab centers in the region and can offer free advice about acquiring financial support if you are unable to pay for treatment.